
7 Trumpets (Revelation 8-11)

 Now when the Lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour[1] Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel holding a golden censer came and was stationed at the altar. A large amount of incense was given to him to offer up, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar that is before the throne.  

 The Old Testament associates silence with divine judgment.[2] This seems to be a response to the death of and the prayers of saints that bring about the judgment on those through whom evil and suffering have been unleashed in the world. 

The smoke coming from the incense, along with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth[3], and there were crashes of thunder, roaring, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.[4]

The prayers go up; fire, a common biblical metaphor for a judgment that either refines or destroys, comes down. Now, the trumpets show how God’s judgment of evil impacts the earth as we groan our way toward the end.   

 Now the seven angels[5] holding the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.[6]

Remember we talked about the "birth pangs" Jesus warned would start in the generation of his listeners? The birthing process is a lot of pain, a lot of unpleasantness, but a good result at the end. There will be life on the other side, but the process is going to be hard. 

We are going to see the removal of peace; the destruction of the things that prop up the idolatry and empires of the world; deprivation; suffering; loss; despair.  This is reaping what was sown.  Consumer cultures consume themselves. Violent cultures ruin themselves. Indulgent cultures soften themselves. God sends the whirlwind. 

[Babylon’s] sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup... God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.” (Revelation 18:5-6; 20)”[7]

A third will be impacted,[8] meaning it’s not total judgment. There is time for people to see what is going on and repent. In that sense, while this judgment is certainly about retribution for the evil done, it also holds the potential to be rehabilitative and restorative. It’s a good reminder of how to pray for justice/judgment: may it not only stop the evil, but may it be the means by which the evildoers come to their senses.

The images are apocalyptic: flaming mountains that are nations; stars that are angels; a speaking eagle. I think we are meant to see “through” them, weighing them like we do numbers.[9] There is room for the famine to be deprivations of all kinds, or the bitterness of the water to be a contrast to “the living water,” which speaks to spiritual realities. We are going to see everything shake. The people have placed their trust in idols, in false gods, in what is unstable and chaotic, and it’s not going to end well.[10] 

 The first angel[11] blew his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was thrown at the earth so that a third of the earth (soil) was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

The fire and blood are symbols of the wrath of God.[12] They can’t be literal: the blood and hail would put out the fire; a fire that destroyed 1/3 of the dirt and trees and all the grass would destroy the globe.

The first 4 trumpets are modeled after the plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7-11). Revelation 15:3 compares the return of Jesus to the first exodus;[13] it would make sense that the second exodus is ushered in in similar fashion.[14]  

Since the plagues of Egypt directly challenged the gods of the Egyptians, I am inclined to see this trumpet as a spiritual warfare broadside against the gods of this world, judging the world systems behind the evil and corruption of the world (which we will say more about at the 7th trumpet).[15]However, just like the first Exodus, it’s not too late repent and join those about to head to the Promised Land.[16]   

 Then the second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain of burning fire was thrown into the sea.[17]A third[18] of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures living in the sea died, and a third of the ships were completely destroyed.

In the Bible, mountains often stand in for kingdoms[19] or nations, many subject to God's judgment.[20] Jeremiah speaks of Babylon as a destroying mountain which would be burned by fire (Jeremiah 51:25) that will sink into the waters never to rise again.[21] We will see this again with the destruction of Babylon’s global maritime commerce in chapter 18.[22] Rome depended on the sea for food and commerce; the sea captains lament Babylon’s ruin.[23]

Once again, see ‘through’ this: it’s an indictment on nation(s) plural. All nations. God’s judgment will rock the gods of this world, and then hit the issue most talked about in the Bible: money, the idol of wealth, commerce, power and security. Look how rocked we have been by the shipping issues in the last few months (“We can’t have Christmas!”). There is nothing new under the sun.  

Then the third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star burning like a torch fell from the sky; it landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. (Now the name of the star is Wormwood.) So a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from these waters because they were poisoned.

In Jewish apocalypses, stars sometimes appeared like burning mountains; one fell into the sea and burned both the sea and Israel’s oppressors.[24]  1 Enoch 18:13 and 21:3[25] describes the preliminary judgment of the fallen angels as “stars like great burning mountains.”[26] Stars represent angelic beings in Revelation (see on 1:19). OT angels often represent earthly peoples and kingdoms.

In fact, the rabbis interpreted the Exodus 7:16–18 plague on the waters as a judgment on the Nile god, who represented the people. They would quote Isaiah 24:21 - “the Lord will punish the host of heaven on high and the kings of the earth on earth.” Here Babylon’s ‘angel’ appears to be judged along with the nation. It was prophesied. Not only are the nations shaken, but any spiritual powers behind them have been toppled from their place of authority as well. 

O shining one, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O conqueror of the nations…  But you were brought down to Sheol, to the remote slopes of the Pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15) 

Wormwood recalls the bitter water at Marah - still on an Exodus theme (Exodus 15:23). If the “living waters” of chapters 7 and 21 represent the reward of eternal, spiritual life for faithfulness through suffering (7:17; 21:6; 22:1), then the waters of death in Chapter 8 represent a punishment of suffering associated with eternal, spiritual death. 

Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened.[27] And there was no light for a third of the day and for a third of the night likewise.[28] 

Our earth is too finely tuned to not be destroyed by literal celestial events like that. It’s a known image of judgment to John’s audience: at God’s judgment of Edom, “all the starry host will fall” (Isaiah 34:4).  The Dictionary Of Bible Themes notes the many ways in which celestial bodies played multiple roles in the Bible, but here’s what’s relevant to us today. Under the category of “Worship of the Stars,” we find: 

·      Prohibited by God Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3 2 Kings 23:4-5

·      Judgment of star worshippers Jer 8:2: 19:12-13Amos 5:25-27Acts 7:42-43

·      Examples of star worship 2 Ki 17:162 Ki 21:3-52 Chronicles 33:5Acts 28:11

·      Idolatrous worship of the moon Deut. 4:1917:32 Ki 23:5Job 31:26

·      Sun Worship Forbidden to God’s people Deut 4:19;17:2-5Job 31:26-28

·      Practiced in Israel and Egypt Ez 8:16; 2 Ki 23:5,11Jer 8:1-243:13

 Judaism has long interpreted The Exodus plague of darkness as a spiritual, cultural, or mental darkness. It's the darkness of despair when people realize the futility of their idolatry and the disaster that is coming up on them (Jeremiah 15:19, Amos 8:9, Joel 2).[29] 

 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle flying directly overhead[30], proclaiming with a loud voice, “Woe! Woe! Woe[31]to the earth dwellers because of the remaining sounds of the trumpets of the three angels who are about to blow them!”

 God’s people are spared the following plagues, as happened with the later Egyptian plagues.[32]Since God’s people are spared, this is good reason to think that what follows has to do with spiritual judgment that will ‘pass over’ God’s faithful people sealed by the Lamb’s blood.   

Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the abyss. He opened the shaft of the abyss and smoke rose out of it like smoke from a giant furnace[33]. The sun and the air were darkened with smoke from the shaft.  Then out of the smoke came locusts onto the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth.[34] 

The “star” that John sees is an angel (20:1) with the key (3:7) to open the Abyss. The Abyss was believed by John’s audience to be the underworld prison of evil spirits.[35] 

 They were told not to damage the grass of the earth, or any green plant or tree,[36] but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their forehead. The locusts were not given permission to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torture was like that of a scorpion when it stings a person. In those days people will seek death, but will not be able to find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them. Now the locusts[37] looked like horses equipped for battle.[38] On their heads were something like crowns similar to gold, and their faces looked like men’s faces.  They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. They had breastplates like iron breastplates, and the sound of their wings was like the noise of many horse-drawn chariots charging into battle. They have tails and stingers like scorpions, and their ability to injure people for five months is in their tails. They have as king over them the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.

Notice that the locusts don't do what no locusts normally do. They can't touch any green thing - or those who have the Seal of God upon their forehead. One assumes the threat is non-physical: for example, the devastation and famine of the soul (Amos 8:11-14).[39]  I favor the view that this describes demonic activity on earth.  

  • “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons…” (1 Timothy 4:1). 

  •  “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit.” (Revelation 18:2)

  • “The horses are men, and the riders are evil spirits.” (Primasius and Andrew of Caesarea, 500s)

  • “A terrifying picture of demonic oppression.” (Orthodox Study Bible)

  • “These locusts probably represent demons.” (Believer’s Bible Commentary)

  • Demonic forces out of the abyss… [John uses] frogs to represent demonic powers in the recapitulation in Revelation 16:13. (Expositor’s Bible Commentary: New Testament)

 This aligns with Christianity’s view of an active supernatural world that tries to influence, oppress, and even seek to take control of humanity to bend them away from God. John’s view of this is sobering. It sounds like he is showing a practical application of what Paul wrote: when you offer yourself as a slave, you are a slave of the one you obey. (Romans 6:16)

 The first woe has passed, but two woes are still coming after these things! Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a single voice coming from the horns on the golden altar that is before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one holding the trumpet, “Set free the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!” Then the four angels[40] who had been prepared for this hour, day, month, and year were set free to kill a third of humanity. The number of soldiers on horseback was 200,000,000; I heard their number.

The Euphrates was the boundary behind which enemies lurked. [41] It’s a physical image for a spiritual reality. The numerical background for this huge number is Daniel 7:10. It just means there’s a lot. A lot a lot.

 Now this is what the horses and their riders looked like in my vision: The riders had breastplates that were fiery red, dark blue, and sulfurous yellow in color. The heads of the horses looked like lions’ heads, and fire, smoke, and sulfur came out of their mouths. A third of humanity was killed by these three plagues, that is, by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur that came out of their mouths. For the power of the horses resides in their mouths and in their tails, because their tails are like snakes/scorpions[42], having heads that inflict injuries. 

This invasion is often compared to the daunting Parthian army. See ‘through’ it. You think they are scary? The spiritual battle is worse.  

The rest of humanity, who had not been killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they did not stop worshiping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk about. Furthermore, they did not repent of their murders, of their magic spells, of their sexual immorality, or of their stealing.



An angel measures the temple, John eats a scroll that tastes good going down (this story ends well!) and then does not sit well at all (#birthpangs). Then two witnesses show up in a city for 3 ½ years, breathe fire on anyone who challenges them, get killed, then come back to life. 


Measuring the temple is best understood against the background of Ezekiel 40 – 48 in which measuring is associated with establishment and protection. Measuring suggests God's presence, which is guaranteed to be with the temple community living on Earth before the Lord's return.[43] But the angel didn’t measure the outer court of the temple. Short version: your soul will be safe, even if your skin is not.


  • 2 lampstands, which are identified as churches in chapters 1 & 2,[44] have the powers of both Moses (law) and Elijah (prophet) and establish the truthfulness of the gospel message. (Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; Matthew 18:16, Luke 10:1-24). 

  • The three and a half years (Daniel’s “time, times, and half a time”) is from Christ's resurrection until His final coming.[45]

  • The fire is God's judgment on the world’s sin through the spoken word of Scripture.[46] In Luke 9, the disciples wanted to copy Elijah by calling down fire upon some Samaritan villagers. Jesus rebuked them, but then sent out groups (of two) to declare the danger of judgment (and the good news of mercy) through the proclamation of the Gospel. 

  • The great city where the bodies lie is the world: Rome is Sodom, Egypt, Babylon. It’s all the troublesome nations that have plagued God’s people in different ways. 

  • The restoration to life is taken directly from the “dry bones” resurrection of Ezekiel 37:5 -10.[47] God’s church will not stay down.

  • The people repent – or at least acknowledge the power of God, which might not be the same thing…[48]

The Seal Interlude: “You are sealed. Endure.” 

The Trumpet Interlude: “You are secure. Witness.” 

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” Then the twenty-four elders who are seated on their thrones before God threw themselves down with their faces to the ground and worshiped God  with these words: “We give you thanks, Lord God, the All-Powerful, the one who is and who was[49], because you have taken your great power and begun to reign. The nations were enraged, but your wrath has come, and the time has come for the dead to be judged, and the time has come to give to your servants, the prophets, their reward, as well as to the saints and to those who revere your name, both small and great, and the time has come to destroy[50] those who destroy the earth.” Then the temple of God in heaven was opened and the ark of his covenant was visible within his temple.[51] And there were flashes of lightning, roaring, crashes of thunder, an earthquake, and a great hailstorm.

 This is still a “woe,” because the ‘woes’ are from the perspective of the world.  God’s reign means evil’s judgment. It’s not good news for everybody. 

However, The picture of God’s judgment here in Revelation shows a God who has been restraining the full, devastating consequence of the sin we have sown. It also shows a God who, when “our iniquities are full,” will no longer hold back the chaos from the abyss. He will give us the full experience of our masters. 

If paradise is being fully in the presence of the one we serve with all the blessings that follow, perhaps hell may be thought of as fully experiencing the presence of the one we have been serving (the dragon and his servants) with all its cursings.

Meanwhile, God sends warnings. There are not only little oasis or outposts of heaven that function as signposts for eternity with the Lamb; we find the same kind of signposts for an eternity with the Dragon. 

·      What we think will never fail, fails.

·      What we think will always provides, stops providing.

·      What once measured our success begins to measure our failure. 

·      What we thought filled us was actually consuming us.

·      What we thought was refreshing us becomes bitter and sickening.

·      What we thought brought flourishing brought destruction.

·      What we thought made life matter made life meaningless.

No matter who you think the witnesses are, their purpose is clear: with holiness, grace, and hope, faithfully preach and model the message of the Slain Lamb to all inside and outside church walls so that as many as possible may be delivered from the judgment to come. 

The witnesses are never promised a time of prosperity of wealth or independence or popularity or even freedom to practice our faith. What they are promised is that God’s grace will be sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9), and that the true church will rise from the ashes.

No matter what happens, I know this: We are called to be faithful witnesses to God in a sin-captured world.[52] Yes, this is daunting, but if you are committed Jesus, you are sealed. You have been claimed. 

For the true church, Revelation is sobering but also exciting: the cost may be high, but the end will be glorious. Revelation is supposed to bring hope. The king is returning. Evil will be undone. God’s originally good Earth will be renewed. Bear holy and faithful witness to it. [53]


[1] Don’t sweat the time frame. It’s just a literary device that means it happened :)

[2] Habakkuk 2:20 -3:15; Zechariah 2:13 -3:2; Zephaniah 1:8 7-18

[3] “The smoke of the incense…shows that the petition of chapter 6:9 -10 is now being presented before God. Their petition for judgment has been found acceptable.” (Beale)

[4] “Peals of thunder, flashes of lightning and an earthquake” is almost identical to the description of the last judgment in 11:19 and 16:18 as well as 4:5. (Beale) 

[5] Jewish tradition identifies seven angels who offer up the prayers of the saints as they enter before the glory of the Holy One (Tobit 12:15). (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Of The New Testament)

[6] “The primary perspective of the first five seals was on the trials to which believers must pass; now, the focus in the first six trumpet are on the judgment which unbelievers both inside and outside the church must endure.” (Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary)  “In the first round, we were looking at the tribulation through the lens of the church. In round two, we see it from the vantage point of the world.” (Mark Moore, How To Dodge A Dragon: An Uncommentary On Revelation

[7] “Sometimes, God’s judgment in Revelation takes the form of imperial practices themselves, or the consequences of such practices. War, famine, pestilence, death, injustice in the marketplace, and rebellion are all…human evils rather than cosmic events… We would  be misguided not to see these also as divine punishment, similar to the snowball effect of sin unleashed in the world according to Paul in Rom 1:18-32. The question “human sin or divine punishment?” presupposes a false dichotomy and asks for an unnecessary choice; the answer is of course, ‘both’”. Michael Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly

[8] “Third part is a rabbinism, expressing a considerable number. "When Rabbi Akiba prayed, wept, rent his garments, put of his shoes, and sat in the dust, the world was struck with a curse; and then the third part of the olives, the third part of the wheat, and the third part of the barley, was smitten.” (Adam Clarke)

[9] “Cosmic signs [are]symbols of the distress and disease generated by human evil. [This is] indirect divine judgment.” Michael Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly

[10] Greg Beale notes that while we are told serious things about the ‘world’ collapsing under God’s judgment, physical symbols are meant to point us toward spiritual realities.

[11] Heisser points to Moyise’s Old Testament in Revelation to note the trumpet judgments in Revelation 8, 9, and a bit of 10 follow the themes of Joel 2-3 and Amos 1-2.

[12] Tyconius (370), Oecumenius (500s), Andrew of Caeserea (563) thought it might come through warfare. “The land was wasted; the trees-the chiefs of the nation, were destroyed; and the grass-the common people, slain, or carried into captivity.” (Adam Clarke)

[13] The redeemed sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb

[14] From Mark Moore, How To Dodge A Dragon: An Uncommentary On Revelation:

 Israelites in Egypt - Christians in Asia Minor/All of us   The people of God suffer oppression; God sends plagues to demonstrate his power/provoke repentance; repentance does not follow; God defeats the oppressor; God’s people praise the God who will reign forever; the ark of the covenant is present with God’s people

[15]  Michael Heisser notes, “Where do we get the nations and their gods to begin with? Genesis 11. Babylon.” And that’s the mountain that is about to be thrown into the sea…. 

[16] When Israel left Egypt, “a mixed multitude went up with them.” (Exodus 12:38) 

[17] “Mountain, in prophetic language, signifies a kingdomJeremiah 51:25Jeremiah 51:27Jeremiah 51:30Jeremiah 51:58. Great disorders… are represented by mountains being cast into the midst of the seaPsalms 46:2Seas and collections of waters mean peoples, as is shown in this book, Revelation 17:15. “(Adam Clarke) 

[18] A fourth of the earth was affected by the seal judgments; a third is now devastated by the trumpet judgments. There is a progression in intensity.

[19] Revelation14:1; 17:9; 21:10

[20] Isaiah 41:15, 42:15; Ezekiel 35; Zechariah 4:7

[21] Babylon’s judgment is as a stone thrown into the sea in Revelation 18:21 

[22] Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

[23] “Every shipmaster and all who sail anywhere and every sailor and as many as work on the sea... cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning... and they were weeping and mourning, saying ‘woe, woe, is the great city, through which all those who have ships in the sea became wealthy because of her wealth.’ ” (18:17–19) 

[24] NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

[25] Revered Jewish literature from around 200 BC. While not Scripture, it functioned as a commentary that was highly influential in shaping Jewish thought. 

[26] Heisser, from an episode on the Naked Bible podcast

[27] Parallel to Exodus 10:21–23.

[28] Early church fathers were inclined to see the celestial bodies as the church, and the darkness as the result of heretics dimming the light of Scripture.

[29] Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

[30] This eagle is in the “middle heaven,” the home of the sun, moon, planets, and stars (Revelation 14:619:17).  It’s a place where all the world will see/hear.

[31] “Look! An eagle is swooping down, spreading its wings over Moab ... Woe to you, O Moab! The people of Chemosh are destroyed.” (Jeremiah 48:4046).

[32] How do they do this? “‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

[33] The abyss in the Old Testament represents chaos. Here, the abyss seems to represent part of the spiritual world that is the home of evil that will be judged. That’s why it can be referred to as watery (chaos) and also fiery (judgment). 

[34] Many of the early church fathers were convinced this was about heretics, though a few chalked it up to demons… that were inspiring heretics. (All my notes on Early Church Fathers come from Ancient Christian Commentary On Scripture.)

[35] Demons pleaded with Jesus to spare them the Abyss. (Luke 8:3031)

[36] Once again a reminder this is imagery, as all the grass was already gone.

[37] Like horses prepared for battle: a conquering host. Gold-like crowns: authorized to rule in people’s lives. Human-appearing faces: creatures of intelligence. Hair like women’s: hair was considered seductive. Lion-like teeth: ferocious and cruel. Armor-like iron breastplates: difficult to attack and destroy, etc. (Believer’s Bible Commentary)

[38] OT imagery. “They have the appearance of horses; they gallop along like cavalry” (Joel 2:4). An army of locusts “has the teeth of a lion” (Joel 1:6) and make a noise “like that of chariots” (2:5). Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the New Testament

[39] Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

[40] This seems to be a recapitulation of the 4 Horsemen.

[41] Heisser notes that beyond the Euphrates was the domain of Baal. The language of the Old Testament relates not just to the invading armies that Israel had to put up with, but also the idea that there are cosmic powers itching to invade.

[42] Jewish tradition held that in Sheol and Abaddon there were “angels of destruction,” who were in authority over thousands of scorpions (Heisser). Scorpions and serpents were associated in Old Testament and extra-biblical Jewish writings as metaphorical images for false teaching. (Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary)

[43] Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

[44] Only two of the seven churches/lampstands remained faithful in Revelation 2-3: Smyrna and Philadelphia. Perhaps these two churches represent the faithful church. The whole world will see the two witnesses, which is understandable if they're a global church. That the witnesses are called trees comes from the vision of Zechariah in chapter 4. 

[45] Funny but true story: the Babylonian kings tried to predict what Daniel prophesied by doing the math of the 70 weeks. When nothing would happen in a literal 70 weeks, they would recount and try again…because the numbers were meant to be weighed, not counted.

[46] “I and making my words in your mouth fire and this people wood, and it will consume them.” (Jeremiah 5:14).  

[47] Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

[48] Compare to Egypt: “And the Egyptians will know that I am Yehovah when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of it.” They knew and acknowledged, but that’s not the same as salvation.

[49] Ooh. No more “and is to come.” He has arrived! 

[50] Here’s another reason I tend to see most of God’s judgment in Revelation as God giving people over to themselves. The word here for ‘destroy’ is the same word ‘destroy’ at the end of the verse that they did to the earth! “’Diaphtheírō (from diá, ‘thoroughly,’ which intensifies phtheírō, ‘defile, corrupt) properly, thoroughly corrupt, totally degenerate (disintegrate); waste away by the decaying influence of moral (spiritual) impurity; ‘utterly corrupt’; becoming thoroughly disabled (morally depraved), ‘all the way through’ (‘utterly decayed’).” #windandwhirlwind (HELPS Word Studies)

[51] In the Old Testament, the ark was a sign of God’s presence. It was usually behind a veil, but here it is fully revealed and accessible to all. 

[52] Thanks to for some really helpful insights.

[53] How do we do this? Faith/trust/belief based on the person and work of Jesus; commitment that orients/prioritizes our life; lifestyle committed to holiness (set apart for God); words that speak truth righteously; consistent, conscientious witness.

EPHESUS, Part One: On Beasts And Babylon (Revelation 2:1-7)

[1] We are told to obey the prophecy of Revelation (1:3) – and how do you obey a prophecy? Well, prophecy in the Bible is usually (like, 85% of the time) a revelation of who God is, what God desires, and what God demands of us rather than a discussion of the future. So think of Revelation primarily (though not exclusively) as a handbook for Christian living in challenging times, with an ending to human history in which the supremacy of Christ is made clear.[2] Revelation is meant to strengthen our faith that God is with us now in our trials, and that He will one day end the groaning of a sin-soaked world and usher in a New Heaven and a New Earth. 

I think we typically focus on the apocalyptic stuff in Revelation when we think of the book, but that’s not how it starts. It starts with personal letters to churches acknowledging their hardship, commending or correcting them as needed, and pointing them toward the goodness of what God offers them in His Kingdom. Then John gives an artist’s illustration of all the dynamics referenced in the letter. 

If you have seen or read A Monster Calls or I Kill Giants,[3] you know how this works. They are stories about grief. Part of the movie is ‘real world’ conflict, but the story quickly bumps into an imaginative fantasy world with giants and monsters in which the same story unfolds in a way that captures our imaginations along with our hearts. 

So we are going to move through the letters, but I will try to bring in the artist’s illustrations as we go along.


1:19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery[4] of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels[5] of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

 The letters address 7 congregations in Asia Minor in the order a messenger taking a circuitous route would have traveled. There were surely more churches: weigh the number 7, the number of completion. It’s a message for all churches. There is a pattern in the letters: 

  • the 1st and 7th – the bookends – are struggling with a lukewarmness that comes from a lack of passion for Christ and His Kingdom. For the 7th, God has nothing good to say.

  •  The 2nd and 6th – the poor, the suffering, the powerless - are doing well spiritually. 

  • The middle three are once again in trouble. 

 If these 7 churches represent the ‘church’ at the time (#weighthenumbers) and stand in for churches that are and will be, then we are more likely to be in a church that is struggling with spiritual compromise rather than flourishing in an unadulterated splendor. 

I don’t say this to discourage us. It’s just to point out that we have to be willing to do self-assessment and repent as needed. Odds are good that this needs to be the rhythm or our personal and corporate life, especially if we live in circumstances where we are comfortable.[6] Poverty and persecution do not guarantee holiness, but if this overview of churches is meant to reveal something important to us, it would suggest that cultural hardship has ability to refine the church in ways that cultural comfort does not. 


Inscriptions record that Ephesus was one of the greatest cities of Asia with libraries, gymnasiums, and ornate administrative buildings. The city was a favorite with tourists of the time.[7] Ephesus was a major center for the worship of Roma, the spiritual embodiment of the Empire. It’s famous temple for Artemis was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.[8] This temple worship meant a lot of prostitutes since Artemis was the goddess of fertility. The economy was dependent on trade associated with trade guilds centered around temple worship.[9] So, Ephesus: beautiful, wealthy, exciting, full of alluring pleasures, the height of what Roman culture had to offer. 

2 The One: Write down My words, and send them to the messenger (angel) [10] of the church in Ephesus. [11]“These are the words of the One who holds the seven stars in His right hand[12], the One who walks and moves among the golden lampstands [13]:

This is to the church in Ephesus. Any interpretation of the book of Revelation needs to have made sense to the readers in those seven churches. We can and do benefit from what these churches were told because this is a Revelation of what was and what is to come, but the revelation was to them first, and it didn’t do them any good if they didn’t understand it :)

“I know your deeds, your tireless labor, and your patient endurance. I know you do not tolerate those who do evil. Furthermore, you have diligently tested those who claim to be apostles, and you have found that they are not true witnesses. You have correctly found them to be false.[14]  I know you are patiently enduring and holding firm on behalf of My name. You have not become faint.

 Okay, kudos to the Christians in Ephesus! They are enduring in the face of the hardships that come with being a Christian in Ephesus. That could be anything from resisting temptation, to paying the social and economic price of not worshipping in the cults of the empire, to physical persecution. They are also guarding the truths of the faith, and they are nailing it. These are big deals. Who wouldn’t want this on their resume?  

“However, I have this against you: you have abandoned your first love[15] [for Christ and others[16]]. Do you remember what it was like before you fell? It’s time to rethink and change your ways; go back to the deeds you did at first. However, if you do not return, I will come quickly and personally remove your lampstand from its place[17].

In Matthew, Jesus had predicted that "many false prophets will appear and deceive many people" and that "the love of most will grow cold" (Mt 24:11-12). Ephesus passed the first test but not the second. (More on abandoning and returning to our first love next week.)

But you do have this to your credit: you despise[18] the deeds of the Nicolaitans and how they concede to evil. I also hate what they do. 

Here’s what we know about the Nicolaitans. They taught that spiritual liberty gave them…well, liberty to pretty much do what they wanted: have multiple wives, do what they wanted sexually, eat meat offered to idols (probably as part of being in a trade guild). They even mixed pagan temple rituals with the Christian ceremonies. In the letter to Pergamum, this type of compromise will be called the teaching of Balaam (vv. 14–15); at Thyatira, it’s followers of Jezebel (v. 20).[19] 

* * * * *

In this first letter, we already see hints of two things that will be themes in Revelation.   

 First, Christians will be tempted to fall away because of hardship. Being true to the faith invited exclusion, expulsion, and even persecution by the Romans.[20] Following Jesus was costing them social standing, access to society, the ability to make a good living, and even personal safety. This letter will end with a reminder that some will be faithful “even unto death.” 

Second, Christians will be tempted to give in to the allure of sinful pleasures offered by the Empire. 

They are going to be intimidated by power and tempted by pleasure. This has been how empires have challenged the people of God for 2,000 years. That’s the text. Here comes the illustration. 

  • Revelation 13 will introduce Satan as a dragon (a huge serpent, a snake; imagery beginning in Genesis). Satan is behind the forces of evil in the world. Satan motivates attacks on the church.

  • A scarlet beast[21] comes out of ocean in Revelation 14; people will worship the dragon and then the beast: “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” Pretty sure that’s Rome for the early church, the indomitable power at the time. More broadly, think of earthly empires in general. They were, are, and will be beastly.

  •  A second beast (“false prophet” in Chapter 16) then emerges that will get people to worship the first beast. By worship, think allegiance. The empire becomes a source of hope; the empire dictates priorities; the empire establishes what the good life is and how it ought to be lived. This second beast “gives breath” to the Empire: it’s the propaganda machine (media, entertainment, education, politicians, industry heads, civic organizations… anything that promotes the agenda of the Empire.) It has horns like a lamb (leaders who look good to followers of Jesus) but speaks like a dragon. There are parts of the beast that remind people of a lamb. That’s the imagery used to describe Jesus just a couple verses earlier in Revelation 13. There’s at least a part of the false prophet/second beast that will look like home to Christians. It will be easy to compromise: “Yeah, but…look at those lamb-like horns!! I know, I know, it says dragony things, but…look at those little horns!” 

  • To make things worse, Babylon rides into the story. The children of Israel were not invited or tempted to become Egyptians when they were enslaved. It was an easy empire to resist. But Babylon offered acceptance, wealth and even power when they were exiled. That was compelling, and thus dangerous. The most effective empire is one that seduces you. The spiritual survival of the early Christians depended on their ability to see Rome as a doomed Babylon (Revelation 19). So the Babylon side of Rome is portrayed as an alluring prostitute, sitting on the beast. She’s drunk with the blood of God’s people – in other words, she has consumed a lot of them. And though the language of prostitution makes us think about sex (and temple worship surely included that), Old Testament imagery of spiritual adultery was always spiritual adultery – that is, idolatry. And John makes clear that Babylon is all about the idol of wealth and power.[22]

How does a beast conquer? Through power and coercion. Even if it looks good at first, it always makes the turn.  How does a prostitute conquer? Through seduction. What two dangers face the Christians in Ephesus and everywhere? Compromising their faith from fear of the empire’s power or love of the empire’s pleasure.  

So let’s talk about Rome (the First Beast) and Domitian (the Second Beast/False Prophet who serves the empire and furthers its agenda). It’s 1st century specific, but Revelation is about what was andwhat is and what is to come. I think the “what was” included previous emperors, with Nero as the violent supervillain. “What is” is Domitian. Fill in as needed with all empires and leaders as history unfolds.  

  • Domitian put in place economic, military, and cultural programs to restore the Empire’s splendor. And it was splendid in many ways.[23]

  • He bumped the value of Roman currency to new levels.

  • He spent lavishly on the reconstruction of Rome. 

  • He spent a TON of money on congiaria (vessels filled with wine, grain or money) #bribes

  • He revived the practice of public banquets. 

That’s how Babylon (with its love/idolatry of money, luxury and comfort) rides in on the back of the Beast. Now, the horns like a lamb. 

  • After nominating himself to the office that supervised Roman morals, Domitian made adultery punishable by exile. When the Vestal Virgins were found to have broken their sacred vows of chastity, they were buried alive.

  • Domitian punished people who made eunuchs. 

  • Libel and slander became punishable by exile or death.

  • He prosecuted corruption among public officials and removed jurors if they accepted bribes.

  • He didn’t favor family members for public office. 

  • Other religions were tolerated if they didn’t interfere with public order or could assimilate with Roman religions. Jews were heavily taxed, but history records no executions of Jewish worshipers based on religious offenses.

  • A lot of the time, Christians were able to avoid physical persecution.[24] Provincial authorities did so occasionally under Domitian, but it was nothing like what Nero did. Most believers suffered more from the stigma of society rather than government harassment. Revelation actually names only one person from seven churches who had been killed. If they could just be ‘good enough citizens’ they might avoid being hurt, and they might even become comfortable.

 When the first century believers looked at Rome under Domitian’s reign, it was easier than it had been in a while to see an alluring goddess - Roma, Babylon -  who offered the potential for privilege, health and wealth to its citizens.[25] Did it not have some horns that looked a bit lamb-like? It can’t be that bad, right? 

John did not write Revelation to manufacture a crisis for people complacent about empire. Rather, at that moment, complacency about Rome was the crisis. Why push them into the arenas their parents experienced when a temple feast will do?[26] 

See, by this time, Christians in Asia Minor were involved in the trade system of Rome. This is clear from historical records. That’s not a bad thing in and of itself, but participating in meals that included worship of the gods or the emperor was typically required to enter a Trade Guild or to build political connections. In order to have a comfortable life economically and socially, followers of Christ had to participate in the guilds and/or pagan ceremonies.[27]

Christians may have figured out how to gain just a part of the world, but it was costing them their soul.[28] This, I believe, is at the heart of what John will later describe as a mark that says “property of the Beast”[29]  – a sign of loyalty to the Empire and to Domitian.[30]  

* * * * * 

This was something that made sense to those churches, but it’s for us also. #whatisandwhatwillbe  So how are we like and unlike them? What can we learn from their experience? (I’m going to talk about losing and regaining our first love next week, so that’s not included here). 

  • We will be known by our deeds. What deeds are we known for? Think big picture, patterns of behavior. “I know you, that you are ________. But I have this against you: _________”

  • Do people think of us when they think of patient endurance in the midst of trials, or do they think of us as fainting/falling apart? When the going gets tough, who demonstrates patient endurance? When a pandemic storm hits, who models stability? When an election get volatile, who is unruffled? In a world where it’s easy to be blown about by the winds of false, slanderous, and disturbing information, who shows a dedication to accuracy and truth? In a time that feels like we are being forced into “us vs. them” camps more than ever, who builds righteous and godly bridges? Is this the reputation of the church right now?

  • Do we protect the foundational teaching and practice of the faith? Do we unthinkingly buy the latest best-selling devotional or hop on the current Christian celebrity bandwagon, or are we purposeful Bereans, searching the Scriptures so that we recognize wheat and chaff when we see it?

  • Do we justify mindsets and decisions because we are afraid of our Rome, seduced by our Babylon, or deceived by lamblike horns that front for the voice of the dragon? The United States is not exempt from John’s imagery in Revelation. It’s an empire. It is a Beastly Babylon. So is Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Afghanistan, Haiti, Norway… Are we alert, self-assessing, surrendering our lives to the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit and the Bible to see how we are identifying and rejecting the coercive power and alluring pleasure of the False Prophets that do the bidding of the Beast? It is inevitable that we will struggle. Are we caving in spiritually or morally because it’s just too hard to be a consistent follower of Jesus in this Rome? Because it’s just too costly? Are we crumbling spiritually or morally because the idol of pleasure, comfort, money, sex, power just look so good in this Babylon? What voices are shaping how we think about and live in the world? Practical example: should the US be taking refugees from Afghanistan? How much have you been listening to your favorite news host or politician to get direction? How much have you been diving into your Bible and listening to pastors and theologians and Christian organizations that work with refugees?

  • Are our hearts and minds shaped by a focus on a joyful future or on current afflictions? Have you heard the proverb, “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness?” There is a place to curse the darkness – especially if people don’t realize they are in it - but we can become so enamored with cursing the darkness that we forget to light a candle. We can hide the light of Christ under a bushel of anger, and fear, and resentment, and hostility. Surely those of us who have the hope of everlasting joy set before us can let the hope and joy found in Jesus illuminate the darkness around us. We can call the darkness what it is and show the light for what it is at the same time. But the best way to pull people from a spiritual darkness (that they might even love) is to flood it with the compelling glory of the light of Jesus.

  • Could people ever look at our life and reasonably say the evidence points toward us having been ‘marked’ by a nation or a cultural leader instead of by Christ and the Kingdom of God?Whose image do we obviously bear when people look at us? We are marked by the image we most prominently display. Here, for example, are things that characterized Jesus. The more they characterize us, the more we are marked as belonging to God. #practicerighteousness

1.    Loving – loving people well   

2.    Peacemaker – bringing order to chaos

3.    Merciful – giving grace wherever possible

4.    Kind – treating others with goodness

5.    Faithful – someone others can count on

6.    Humble – having a modest/honest estimate of ourselves 

7.    Generous – giving appropriately to those in need

8.    Self-controlled – not ruled by our appetites

9.    Godly – constantly mindful of God’s perspective 

10.Prayerful – regularly communicating with God

11.Righteous – doing what God would approve

12.Servant – looking to serve rather than be served

13.Nurturing – caring for those who are hurting or broken 

Is this us? Is this you? Are we marked as followers of Jesus? 

“Let the person who is able to hear, listen to and follow [31] what the Spirit proclaims to all the churches. I will allow the one who conquers through faithfulness even unto death to eat from the tree of life found in God’s lush paradise.”[32]


Recommended Soundtrack:

“Zion and Babylon” by Josh Garrels

“Bye Bye Babylon” by White Heart.


[1] Key resources that have heavily informed this series:

·      Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation,  by J. Nelson Kraybill

·      A teaching series by professor Shane J. Woods on Revelation (

·      The Bible Project’s videos, notes and podcast

·      Michael Heiser’s teaching on Revelation (Podcast: The Naked Bible)

·      Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship And Witness: Following The Lamb Into The New Creation, by Michael Gorman

·      Dragons, John, And Every Grain Of Sand, edited by Shane J. Wood.

·      Matt Chandler’s Revelation Series (Village Church)

·      Ancient Christian Commentary On Scripture: Revelation, from IVP

·      Seven Deadly Spirits: The Message of Revelation’s Letters for Today's Church, written by T. Scott Daniels

·      Adam Clarke’s commentary

·      Parts of Greg Beale’s commentary on Revelation

·      The commentaries available at Bible Gateway

·      The commentaries available at

·      The commentaries available at

[2] Apocalypse and Allegiance: worship, politics, and devotion in the Book of Revelation, J. Nelson Kraybill

[3] I recommend you watch or read A Monster Calls. Be ready to cry. It’s terribly beautiful.

[4] Beale suggests the “mystery” being revealed is that the reign of Christ and the suffering of the church can co-exist. Triumph is often intertwined with death. (Romans 11:25; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 3:3-6)

[5] In Daniel 10 and 12, angels are show to help believers on earth.

[6] Hat tip to Beale for pointing this out.

[7]  Thanks to Seven Deadly Spirits: The Message of Revelation’s Letters for Today's Church, written by T. Scott Daniels, for intro material.

[8] Ephesus was known throughout the ancient world as the temple keeper (neōkoros; cf. Acts 19:35) of the goddess Artemis. 

[9] Acts 19:23-41

[10] “Jewish tradition recognized guardian angels of nations (based partly on Da 10:13,20 – 21) and of individuals; here the idea seems to be guardian angels of churches.” (NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible)  Beale argues this is to remind readers that their foundation is in heaven; their primary existence is spiritual. That makes sense to me.  However, Adam Clarke has a different perspective worth considering. “Unto the angel of the Church of Ephesus — By αγγελος, angel, we are to understand the messenger or person sent by God to preside over this Church; and to him the epistle is directed, not as pointing out his state, but the state of the Church under his care. Angel of the Church here answers exactly to that officer of the synagogue among the Jews called ציבור שליח sheliach tsibbur, the messenger of the Church, whose business it was to read, pray, and teach in the synagogue. The Church is first addressed, as being the place where John chiefly resided; and the city itself was the metropolis of that part of Asia. The angel or bishop at this time was most probably Timothy, who presided over that Church before St. John took up his residence there, and who is supposed to have continued in that office till A.D. 97, and to have been martyred a short time before St. John's return from Patmos.”  I like what Beale says; Clarke’s view makes a practical sense to me. It’s not a hill I’m going to die on J I’ll probably barely even put up a fight if we disagree.

[11] “The church had been founded by Paul about AD 53–56, and according to tradition, both John the Apostle and Mary (whom Christ committed to John's care at His crucifixion) lived in Ephesus.” (Orthodox Study Bible)

[12] Still making sure everyone knew Domitian’s son was not god….

[13] Churches. 7 of them. Weigh the numbers: it’s the weight of all the churches represented in these 7.

[14] “At Miletus Paul prophesied that even some of the Ephesian elders would tragically betray the cause of Christ by distorting the truth and leading away disciples (Acts 20:2930). Timothy’s primary duty at Ephesus was to command certain persons to cease teaching false doctrine (1 Tim. 1:3). Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus are even named as Ephesians who wandered from the truth (1:19202 Tim. 2:1718).” (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Of The New Testament)

[15] “agápē – properly, love which centers in moral preference. So too in secular ancient Greek focuses on preference; likewise… antiquity meant "to prefer."  (HELPS Word Studies) “Jeremiah 2:2  “This is what the Lord says:‘I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness, through a land not sown.”

[16]  Love for Jesus (Eph 6:24) and/or one another (Eph 5:2).  

[17] “There is here an allusion to the candlestick in the tabernacle and temple, which could not be removed without suspending the whole Levitical service, so the threatening here intimates that, if they did not repent, c., he would unchurch them they should no longer have a pastor, no longer have the word and sacraments, and no longer have the presence of the Lord Jesus.” (Adam Clarke)

[18] Centers in moral choiceelevating one value over another. (HELPS Word Studies)

[19] (NIV Study Bible Notes)

[20] See Revelation 6:9-11

[21] Described as scarlet in Revelation 17

[22] “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins…Your merchants were the world’s important people; by your magic spell all the nations were led astray.” (Revelation 18:4; 23)  Chapter 18 shows an international economic power with clients around the world, all engaging in the unbounded and often immoral pursuit of pleasure.

[23] Got a lot of the info in this list from the Wikipedia entry for Domitian. 

[24] Eusebius maintain that Jews and Christians were heavily persecuted toward the end of Domitian's reign when he Book of Revelation and First Epistle of Clement were written.

[25] Seven Deadly spirits: The message of Revelations letters for today's Church, written by T. Scott Daniels. John says that this goddess is instead the Great Horror who corrupted the Earth with her fornication in Revelation 19 2. She does not hold the cup of life, but rather a golden cup full of Abominations and the impurities of her fornication. Revelation 17:4.

[26] It’s the crisis the Russian church is facing right now. Putin pushes the traditional family model pretty hard, and he’s been pretty easy on the church. This is appealing to Russian Christians. In talking with my pastor friends in the Ukraine, the Russian church has become fond of Putin, a man who does the work of the Russian beast. This is the timeless relevance of Revelation.

[27] Paul does not reject all Christian participation in society. For example, he advocated a “don't ask” policy when believers have food set before them.[27] But this was very, very different from outright Christian participation in pagan rituals and ceremonies.

[28] Matthew 16:26

[29] As noted by Craig Koester, Revelation challenges three intertwined components of life in the Empire: political domination (“beastly side of empire); religion where the church and state distinctions blur (“deification of human power”); economic networks that demanded compromise (“the seamy side of commerce”)

[30] See Revelation 13

[31] Jesus uses this phrase (Matthew 13), borrowing this from Isaiah (6:9-10), Jeremiah (5:21), and Ezekiel (3:27)

[32] Genesis reference. Adam and Eve fellowshipped with God when they ate from the Tree of Life. That promise of fellowship is extended to the faithful who endure.