
In the payment form, you may feel free to specify how you would like your gift allocated. If not specified, all donations received will go toward our general fund. For more details, contact Sheila Weber

The act of giving is first and foremost an act of worship. We give back to God a portion of that which God has given to us to steward. We give as an act of spiritual discipline to free us from the love of money; we give as a demonstration of faith that God will provide for us; we give because it is from our provision that God intends to provide for the mission of the church and the ‘family’ in the church.

If you call CLG your home, and you have the ability to give, you can help us keep our ministry going strong by donating toward our expenses. We give opportunities for that every Sunday, but we understand that’s not always the best option. For those times when you aren't able to give at church, we are happy to provide the opportunity to give online.