
We believe it is crucial that church attenders are involved in the life of their local church body and in the community in which the church is placed. This is God’s design for the flourishing of the church as a body and for individuals in whom acts of service are part of God’s plan for refinement and maturity. Not all are called in the same way and in the same degree, but all are called!



On Sundays, ushers, greeters, and coffee makers all play important roles.

Contact Pete Thiel for more information if you would like to be involved in these areas.

We try to “bear each other’s burdens” in other practical ways: meals for new moms or those who are sick; putting on meals for community groups such as the Thomas Judd Center; serving meals at Goodwill Inn; hosting baby showers; mailing care packages to those in the service and away at college, etc.

Keeping the building nice is an important part of keeping the atmosphere hospitable as well! You can volunteer to clean, work on projects, set up and tear down chairs in the auditorium, be here for special events to make sure everything goes smoothly, etc.

Contact Pete Thiel for more information if you would like to be involved in these areas.



We staff nurseries for children ages 1-4. Our goal is to have enough volunteers that some people aren’t in there every Sunday, or even every other Sunday! Yes, it’s a challenging morning. Yes, we need you!

Contact Amy Gordon ( if you want to be a part of this ministry.

Note* You will need to pass a background check, and there are some important guidelines about working with young children about which you will need to be aware.



Other than staffing nurseries, we need people to be a part of Children’s Church on Sundays and AWANA on Wednesdays. The main requirement is to be able to work with kids. If you are gifted in a particular area, don’t be shy about offering your services!

Note* You will need to pass a background check



Corban Shaw is the point person for Youth Group, which includes meeting on Wednesday evenings and occasional events and mission trips. If you like hanging out with youth and have a heart for seeing them become disciples of Christ, contact Corban about how to be involved. Email:

Note* You will need to pass a background check



You can be involved in the musical worship of our Sunday morning several ways: as a musician, as a singer, as an AV or musical tech, or as a producer for the morning.

Contact Tom Childs for more information about the musical side of things. Email:



This involves running sound and/or lights, setting up and monitoring the Facebook live stream, running the multimedia from the upstairs booth, or acting as producer (making sure everything comes together).

Contact Tom Childs for more information about the production aspect of a Sunday morning. Email:



Security members monitor the safety of everyone in the building, from kids to adults.

Contact Pete Thiel for more information.