
Sardis: Church Of The Living Dead (Revelation 3:1-6)

When John was writing Revelation, Sardis was a city that had seen better days. Remember Bruce Springsteen’s song “Glory Days”? Something like that. 

It was once a capital city under the Persian government. Aesop came from Sardis. King Midas was supposed to have been there (in legend). It was kind of a big deal. The Hebrews referred to the first Lydian king, Gyges[1], as “Gog”; he was followed by the next king, Magog.[2]  Eventually, Sardis was ruled by Croesus, who was famous for his wealth.  Sardis had a river in which to pan for gold where (according to legends) King Midas dipped his finger to lose that pesky golden touch.  Gold and silver coins were apparently made for the first time in Sardis;[3] some historians credit that with the beginning of money as we know it.   

Sardis was famous for having been built on an acropolis. It had cliffs on three sides and only one major access to protect. Armies never pulled off a frontal assault in the history of the city.  

Sardis engaged heavily in the worship of Cybele, who was said to be able to restore the dead to life. Maybe that’s why its necropolis (graveyard) was as well known as the acropolis on which the city was first built. 

 However…. those cliffs and wealth and gods and goddesses didn’t guarantee their safety as much as they thought.

·    Croesus’ army was destroyed by the Persian king Cyrus after Croesus misread the Oracle of Delphi’s prediction about a great empire falling if Croesus attacked them. It was Croesus’s empire. 

·    In 546 the city fell to Cyrus when Cyrus’s army spotted a weakness in the cliff walls

·    In 214 BC the city itself was taken by surprise attacks from Antiochus the Great (the father of the “little horn” in Daniel 7), once again literally by a thief in the night sneaking up the walls.

Given to the Romans in 133 BC, it flourished. By this time it had lost political prestige and power, but not wealth. It was still a major town on trade routes, famous for gold, silver, and precious stones. It did not lead to the moral betterment of the people. “Even on pagan lips, Sardis was a name of contempt. Its people were notoriously loose living, notoriously pleasure-and luxury loving. Sardis was a city of the decadence.”[4]

 In 17 AD, it was leveled by an earthquake. Tiberius helped rebuild, and that’s when the cult of emperor worship kicked Cybele out. However, Sardis also had a large Jewish community with which they lived in apparent harmony. The Jews would later build a synagogue the length of a football field, one of the largest in ancient times. Apparently, Sardis got along with Christians just fine also.[5] 

With this background in mind, let’s read Revelation 3:1-6 (The Voice).

The One: Write down My words, and send them to the messenger of the church in Sardis. “These are the words of the One who has the seven Spirits of God[6] and the One who holds the seven stars[7]

“I know the things you do—you’ve claimed a reputation of life, but you are actually dead.[8]  Wake up from your death-sleep, and strengthen what remains of the life you have been given that is in danger of death. 

I have judged your deeds as far from complete in the sight of My God. Therefore, remember what you have received and heard; it’s time to keep these instructions and turn back from your ways. If you do not wake up from this sleep, I will come in judgment. I will creep up on you like a thief—you will have no way of knowing when I will come.[9] 

  But there are a few names[10] in Sardis who don’t have the stain of evil works on their clothes. These people will walk alongside Me in white, spotless garments because they have been proven worthy. 

 “The one who conquers through faithfulness even unto death will be clothed in white garments,[11] and I will certainly not erase that person’s name from the book of life.[12] I will acknowledge this person’s name before My Father and before His heavenly messengers.[13] 

“Let the person who is able to hear, listen to and follow what the Spirit proclaims to all the churches.”

 It would appear that Sardis was unique among the seven churches in that it was not facing any of the persecution of the other congregations. They were apparently active,[14] but,  much like the city, they were coasting of past achievements, indulging in pleasure and luxury, thinking they had built the church on a spiritually safe acropolis when actually they were living in the necropolis.[15] 

The Church of Sardis was busy, but not alive. There’s no “seat” or “temple” of Satan here; Satan didn’t need to attack. The church wasn't alive enough for the culture to care that it was there; their neighbors weren’t excited or offended.  A lack of being counter-cultural, a lack of recognizing threats, and a lack of seeing the need to be salt and light had left it at peace, but it was “the peace of the dead.”[16]

Think of starlight. When you see the Big Dipper, you are looking at light that began its journey earthward over a century ago. It is possible that some of those stars no longer exist. A star might be dead while the light we see makes it look alive. This was the church in Sardis. [17]

For the Christians in Sardis, the call to overcome and remain faithful to the end was not a call to resist a harsh attack from outside the church. It was a call to resist something far more subtlethe spiritual complacency and self-righteousness that too easily follows luxury, comfort, ease. They had become what Jesus applied to the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:27-28:

“You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside, are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean….on the outside you appear to people as righteous, but inside, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”

 What characterizes the Living Dead? I confess I’m pulling from zombie tropes now, but I think they actually make some sense. For centuries, entire cultures have told stories about what the Living Dead are like. They understand the horror of it.

  • They follow their bodily appetites above all else. A fruit of the Spirit is self-control.[18]This is not present for those who are full of death and not life. In an indulgent town like Sardis, that would be a common problem in line with the Nicolaitan problem we’ve seen already that plagued almost all the churches in Revelation so far. “How do I meet my needs?” is the #1 question.

  • They are the ultimate consumers. It is all take and no give. There is no sense in which they live for others – and when it appears that they are, you can be sure it’s going to benefit them. What feeds me?  What satisfies me? What will get out of this? You scratch by back and…then scratch it again. It’s the exact opposite of the covenantal approach to life a Christian should have.

  • They are never satisfied. Spiritually, it’s “always learning but never able to come to the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7) It’s always hungry and thirsty without Jesus (John 6:35) C.S. Lewis described it this way in The Screwtape Letters“An ever increasing craving for and ever diminishing pleasure is the formula...to get a man's soul and give him nothing in return.” And the dissatisfaction is never seen as a sign that might be asking too much of material pleasures; it’s seen as a sign they just aren’t trying hard enough.

  • They are totally unaware of their impact on others. They have no idea the chaos and pain their relentless self-centeredness leave behind them. They never look in the rearview mirror. They never ask how others experience them. They never enter into biblical accountability. They never speculate about the ripple effect of what they have done. 

  • They fit in with the crowd. The culture doesn’t attack them because they fit in. And this was the problem in Sardis. They fit in. They had traded the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped the creature side of the world more than the Creator.[19] They loved the Beast more than the Lamb.

 However, there is Good News (as there always is): 

·      ‘You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.” (Colossians 2:13)

·      “Even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved! (Ephesians 2:5)

We see this at work as the history of Sardis unfolded. We have sermons from Melito, bishop of Sardis in the second century; representatives from Sardis attended the First Council of Nicaea (325), Council of Ephesus (431).[20] So the church did not wither away.  

How did those embers of life fan into flame? Well, the work of Jesus, of course. That’s the foundation. Unless he builds the house, we labor in vain.[21] But Sardis receives some clear instruction on what God expects of them as well. 

Wake up and keep watching

Scott Daniels,[22] when asked by a friend how he was doing spiritually, responded, “I'm doing okay. I mean, I think God and I are just fine, I would say we are just coasting along through life together.”  His friend replied, “I will really be praying for you, Scott, because I'm sure you are aware, there is only one direction a person will coast." 

It is too easy to think we have built unassailable spiritual fortresses when we don’t.  It can be too easy to only resist the frontal assaults and miss the thief sneaking in to kill and destroy. I am far less concerned about the times culture blatantly promotes sin than I am about the times it just subtly blends into the background and becomes part of the moral ecosystem that nurtures us. Here’s how subtle sins work:[23] 

  •  “Who wants to join me in a murder?” Hard pass. The spiritual fortress is solid. “Who want to join me in expressing how much we loathe Person X on social media?” I’m in! The spiritual fortress is breached.[24]

  •  “I can’t sleep with you; I’m married.” Spiritual fortress is solid. “Listen, porn is just not a big deal. It’s normal, and nobody gets hurt.” Spiritual fortress breached.[25]

  • “I won’t take revenge on you even though you hurt me; vengeance belongs to God.” Spiritual fortress is solid. “But I sure hope somebody does and I hope it hurts you like it hurt me!” Spiritual fortress is breached. (Matthew 5:38)

  • A healthy sense of self-worth… subtly becomes pride. 

  • Enjoying the material luxuries around us… becomes materialism.

  • Prayerfully sharing a concern… turns into gossip.

  • Righteous discernment… morphs into unrighteous judgment.

  • A good track record of not stealing physical things… blinds us to our theft of intangible things (like purity or innocence).

  • Being a good steward of money… becomes greed. 

  • A desire for seeing people held accountable/responsible… becomes unforgiveness.

  • Wishing you could have some of the success people around you have (which can be a good motivator)… becomes envy (they actually don’t deserve it and I do.)

  • Trying to connect the dots to better understand the actions and motivations of a public figure… becomes slander based on rumor and innuendo, 

  • The gift of persuasion… turns into the art of manipulation.

  • A love of direct honesty… becomes an excuse for harshness.

  • Being responsible with what you have been given… becomes being selfish with what you have been given. 

It’s subtle. We have to wake up and keep watching to see the thief sneaking into our city. This is what we pray for – revival, a renewing of our hearts and minds that begin with Holy Spirit clarity.

Strengthen what remains. It’s not entirely clear what remained. A little bit of their first love? The rituals of corporate worship? Disciplines and practices?  Good deeds? Strong theology? Whatever it was, it was something that was meant to build a spiritual fortress on the foundation of Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is why we don’t downplay any of these things. Sometimes the structure is the glue that holds things together. What Sardis needed was a renewed filling of God’s Spirit so that the very little they had left could be brought back to life. 

 How many movies have a boxer or a policeman or doctor who made a terrible error, and they become just a shell of themselves. Then somebody swoops in and revives what’s left, usually to a montage of scenes while “Eye Of The Tiger” plays in the background. Or “My Heart Will Go On.”  That’s the idea here.  This is what we pray for: the embers of our righteousness fanned to life by the Holy Spirit.

Remember what you received and heard

The teaching of the gospel message and apostles is a point of reference for past, present, and future faith. The fundamental foundations of the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be forgotten. There is no replacement for orthodoxy (right belief) with a foundation of biblical truth on which we build our lives. This is what we pray for: that we not only learn but long to learn, and that we always remember Gospel truth.

Repent and keep the instructions.

From orthodoxy (right teaching) comes orthopraxy (right action) and orthopathy (right emotions). The church is the chosen instrument of God to expand his kingdom through the person and work of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, on the foundation of biblical truth, represented by His ambassadors, His children. This is what we pray for: faithful and consistent endurance.

When we are faithful to endure until the end, a reward awaits: full fellowship with God, purified and renewed in ways we can’t imagine,  with our name secured for eternity.   

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:3-5)


[1] Plato recorded that Gyges (Gog) gained power with the help of a magical ring that made him invisible. #Lordoftherings

[2] “The word of Yahweh came to me: ‘Mortal, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him and say: Thus says the Lord God: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.’” (Ezekiel 38:1–3)

[3] “It is of interest to note that the first coinage ever to be minted in Asia Minor was minted in Sardis in the days of Croesus. These roughly formed electrum staters were the beginning of money in the modern sense of the term. Sardis was the place where modern money was born.” (Barclay)

[4] Biblical Sites In Turkey: Sardis. https://www.meandertravel.com/biblical_asia_minor/biblical_asia_minor.php?details=sardis

[5]  Hat tip to NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible for good background info.

[6] A repetition of Revelation 1:4. See also Revelation 4:5 and 5:6.  Note the 7-fold Spirit in Isaiah 11:2 and compare the seven lamps and seven eyes of Zechariah (Zechariah 3:9Zechariah 4:2Zechariah 4:10), “the symbols of eternal light and all embracing knowledge” (Ellicott’s Commentary For English Readers). 7 Is a symbol for fullness and completion.

[7] A repetition of Revelation 1:20 in which they are identified as angels.

[8] From nekros, which is also the root word for Sardis’s famous necropolis.

[9] “Here the reference is not to Christ’s second coming (cf. 16:151 Thess. 5:22 Pet. 3:10), but to His sudden and unexpected coming to His unrepentant, dead church to inflict harm and destruction.” (NKJV MacArthur Study Bible)

[10] “3686 ónoma – name; (figuratively) the manifestation or revelation of someone's character, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others.” (HELPS Word Studies)

[11] White clothing stood for purity, righteousness, and sanctification (Ps. 51:7Is. 1:18Rev. 7:1419:14). “This image is rooted in Old Testament purity laws. The priests and the people wore white robes on the Day of Atonement according to Jewish tradition. The Dead Sea Scrolls community also wore white robes every day as a sign of their constant purity. God also wears a white robe in Da 7:9. The “soiled” clothing of those in Sardis is likely rooted in the imagery of Zechariah (see Zec 3:1–3). In a Greco-Roman context, white robes were often worn by the emperor and by athletic victors.” (NIV First Century Study Bible)

[12] Cities in Asia Minor had citizen-registers; in an earlier period Sardis was known for its royal archives. In some cities, names of errant citizens were deleted from the register immediately prior to their execution. (NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible) A divine ledger is first mentioned in Ex 32:32–33 (see note on Ps 69:28; cf. Da 12:1). It was a register of all citizens in the kingdom community. To have one’s name erased from this book would indicate loss of citizenship (see 13:817:820:121521:27Php 4:3). (NIV Case For Christ Study Bible) See also Revelation 20:12–1521:27. “The names of sinners are also blotted out of the book of life in the noncanonical book of 1 Enoch 108:3.” (NIV First Century Study Bible)

[13] This resembles what Jesus said in Matthew 10:32: “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.” Luke 12:8 substituted “the angels of God” for “my Father in heaven.” 

[14] “We are not to get the impression that Sardis was a defunct affair with the building a wreck, the members scattered, the pastor ready to resign. It was a busy church with meetings every night, committees galore, wheels within wheels, promotion and publicity, something going on all the time.” (Vance Havner)

[15] Hat Tip Seven Deadly Spirits: The Message of Revelation’s Letters for Today's Church, by T. Scott Daniels, for offering good perspective on which I have built. 

[16] William Barclay

[17] HT to “Sardis: Warning To A Dead Church” by Andrew Davis for this illustration.


[18] Galatians 5:22-23

[19] Romans 1:25

[20] Biblical Sites In Turkey: Sardis. https://www.meandertravel.com/biblical_asia_minor/biblical_asia_minor.php?details=sardis

[21] Psalm 127:1

[22] Seven Deadly Spirits: The Message of Revelation’s Letters for Today's Church, T. Scott Daniels

[23] “What Exactly Are Subtle Sins? ”http://www.amyfound.org/a_discipled_nation/downloads/oss.pdf

[24] See how Jesus connects murder and hatred in Matthew 5:21-22.

[25] See how Jesus connects adultery and lust in Matthew 5:27-28.

Raised Up (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Why do we treat a canvas that is painted differently than we treat a  blank canvas? It’s just pigments and resins and some kind of surface they will stick to. The cash value of the actual parts is not that much. And yet the cash value people pay for it is remarkable.  Why do we put our kids’ pictures or stories up on the refrigerator? Once again, the crayon on notebook paper is worth about a penny on the market, but we think of them as priceless.

Something added value. Something made these things more than just the sum of their parts. There was canvas or paper and something to make marks. Yet a painting can sell for millions of dollars, and we keep the letters and drawing for years.  

Something added value -  in this case, the personal touch of the someone who took ordinary things and created something of great value.

This is as old as Genesis 1. God takes dust and adds value. The material value of the human body: about $160 dollars for just raw materials. God makes common clay into imago dei representationally (we are icons of God), intrinsically (our representational status gives us inherent value and dignity), and functionally (we act on God’s behalf in the world).

In Ephesians 2, Paul goes beyond the fact of imago dei and shows what Christ does in us and for us. First, he explains what kind of material God has to work with. Brace yourselves: it’s even worse than you thought.

As for you, don’t you remember how you used to just exist? Corpses, dead in life, buried by transgressions, wandering the course of this perverse world. You were the offspring of the prince of the power of air—oh, how he owned you, just as he still controls those living in disobedience. I’m not talking about the outsiders alone; we were all guilty of falling headlong for the persuasive passions of this world.

We all have had our fill of indulging the flesh and mind, obeying impulses to follow perverse thoughts motivated by dark powers. As a result, our natural inclinations led us to be children of wrath, just like the rest of humankind. (Ephesians 2:1-3)

I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I like to think of myself. However, that’s the raw materials. That’s us before Christ. We’re not just plain canvas; we are stained and soiled canvas. We’re not just paper – we are torn and soggy. 

Paul doesn’t pull any punches. We were corpses, dead in life. We were the zombies in a much more serious sense of the word than most horror movies show. Those are just biological problems. Ours is deeply spiritual. 

I find it interesting how how an increasing number of modern stories use a thing like a zombie – the Walking Dead -  to make a point that we find in the Bible 2,000 years ago.  It’s as if no matter how far from Christ people wander, there is this lingering dread that we will somehow be dead even while we live, just wandering through a world that robs us of life and offers us nothing in return. 

A recent book series called The Zombie Bible takes incidents from the Bible or early church history and inserts zombies – which sounds silly, but the author (who takes the Bible very seriously) uses them to stand in for the deepest expression of being dead in our sin. 

This world was one of hunger, filled with those who would devour you—both among the dead and among the living.… Like a violent fever, the hunger eats away mind and spirit. In the end, everything that we truly are is gone. Only the hunger remains. Even other men and women are no longer anything but… meat for our desires and obsessions. Then we are lost— unless some other brings a Gift. We cannot recover ourselves alone.” – From What Our Eyes Have Witnessed

 If that’s what we are stuck with, that's lousy for us and everyone around us. But Paul says this is not our fate.

But God, with the unfathomable richness of His love and mercy focused on us, united us with the Anointed One and infused our lifeless souls with life—even though we were buried under mountains of sin—and saved us by His grace. He raised us up with Him and seated us in the heavenly realms with our beloved Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. 

He did this for a reason: so that for all eternity we will stand as a living testimony to the incredible riches of His grace and kindness that He freely gives to us by uniting us with Jesus the Anointed. For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple.You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing. 

For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago. (Ephesians 2:4-10)

Lots of worldviews offer a solution for the problem of walking in our own life of death and feeling like we are worth nothing. Another thoughtful zombie story called Warm Bodies offers a solution: 

We will exhume ourselves. We will fight the curse and break it. We will cry and bleed and lust and love, and we will cure death. We will be the cure. Because we want it.”

The problem is, that never happens. It’s a humanist salvation story, but nothing in the history of the world suggests that solution will work.  Humanity’s never been the cure of the deepest, darkest aches in our souls. We’ve always been the problem. Even when we fix a particular issue, it’s only a matter of time before we ruin it again. 

  • We said, “Hey, let’s get more energy by harnessing the power of the atom!” and then figured out how to use it to kill a lot of people.  

  • We said, “Let’s cure disease with stem cells!” and eventually began to plunder the bodies of unborn babies for our benefit.

  • We said, “Hey, wouldn’t we be healthier if we could learn about sex earlier and more explicitly? The problem with our culture is that we are prudish and repressed. ” And eventually we found ourselves in a culture where STD’s are epidemic, and  pornography and the hook up culture first desensitizes us then damages us.

  • We say, “Let’s protect the freedom to speak!” and use it to slander and blaspheme and gossip and produce copious amounts of pornography.

  • Remember John Winthorp who wanted build a “city on a hill” characterized by Christian love and generosity in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?[1] It lasted 17 years. “As the people increased,” he wrote, “so sin abounded.”

 Nothing in human history suggests we are able to save ourselves. [2] On the other hand, the Zombie Bible got the solution right (and it better, with ‘Bible’ in the title):

“What do we know to be true? Nothing is broken that cannot be remade. Nothing is ill that cannot be healed, nothing captive that cannot be freed. That is what [Jesus] taught us.” – from What Our Eyes Have Witnessed, The Zombie Bible series.

That’s actually the gospel. That’s part of the good news.  Tom Holland’s book Dominion traces the history of Christianity, and one of his points is that, even when Christianity got off the rails as a movement, it contained within itself – within the revelation of Scripture from God and the incarnational reality of Jesus – the seeds for its own revival. It’s the only thing in the world that does that.  

Paul says we can do nothing on our own – our default is to be one the spiritually Walking Dead – and we don’t raise ourselves up. Now, we are raised by Jesus and made fully alive.  Heaven’s poetry is etched on our lives by his saving hand; other translations say we are His handiwork. God plans for us to be the ones through whom His good work is seen, and by whom His good work is done in the world. 


If Christ is “raising us up”, if God is restoring all these things in us and putting us on His mission, there are at least three important things that follow.

This should bring to us a staggering amount of humility. Paul says none of us can boast about how we contributed to the project of moving from spiritual death to life. “Don't’ go around bragging as if you did something amazing.” Any time we think, “I just wish people had the self-control and work ethic and mastery of emotions that I have crafted for myself,” we have missed the point. We should be thinking, “All that I am is a gift of grace. I will pray that God works in the life of others so they too can experience God’s grace.” 

Paul never says, “Look at me!” He always says, “Look at Christ in me.”  I would guess that’s because the minute he says, “Look at me!” someone else could say, “Do you mean all of you? Do you realize what you were doing 10 years ago? You killed people!”   

Why would I say, “Look at me”?  Just ask my wife if I have given a perfect picture of what it means to be a godly husband. Ask my boys if I have been a perfect father. Ask anyone in this church if I am a perfect pastor. Ask my friends if I have been a perfect friend. 

For every time I want to say, “I’m awesome!” someone around me is thinking, “Except when you’re not.”  What I have to say (if I look at myself honestly) is only this: “Please don’t look at me. Look at Christ in me. He is the only hope of glory in my life.” The fact that Christ steps in and raises us up should bring about an incredible amount of humility

This should change how we view our worth and dignity. If you are the product of God’s hand - if God is raising you up so you can bring good into the world in a way that will be empowered by Christ working in you - then you should never say, “I guess I deserve to be mistreated. I guess I deserve to be belittled. I don’t matter. My life is nothing. Everybody else is cool and doing great things and I’m just stuck with my personality or looks or circumstances.” If that’s the voice in your head, I promise you it’s not the voice of Christ. 

The voice of Christ says, “Just bring what you’ve got. It’s my job to take you are and craft you into something that will be for your good and my glory.” 

Now, God will ask us to “run the race” that He sets before us, and that might look sketchy at times, because now we are involved, and we bring sketchiness to the project.  In fact, it is often through the process of walking (and stumbling, falling, and getting back up) that Christ does this work in us.  But we “run the race” only because Christ has shown us the track, and strengthened our legs, and given us the right kind of shoes, and given us a prize on which to fix our eyes. 

So we are called to run the race, but the glory for the ground we cover belongs to Christ alone.

This should change how we treat others. This is why we should never treat others in a way that shames, belittles or mocks them. We don’t brag about our spiritual exploits to other people.  We don’t judge how far we think we are down the track vs. how far back we think they are.

We don’t take advantage of people, or purposefully hurt them with our words, our attitudes, or our hands.  Read Romans 14. Paul has a pretty blunt chapter on this. 

We are, after all, created for “good works” – that is,  we are to do good to others as representatives of Christ’s presence on the earth. Certainly that will include walking in the path of life that God has shown us, but it goes beyond just that. We look for opportunities to do good. We look for opportunities to affirm in those around us that they matter, and love them as Christ would love them.  

I loved watching the gymnastics community support Simone Biles this past week. They got it. They understood. While lots of people were complaining that she was weak or a ”national embarrassment” for withdrawing in the Olympics, the ones who know what she was going through (“the twisties”) cared for her rather than discarded her.[3]  

Isn’t this what life with God’s people is supposed to look like? When we lose our way in the middle of our spiritual routine, what are the rest of us on the team supposed to do? Show the empathy Jesus showed us[4]; surround them[5]; lift up those who have become disoriented and lost their way[6]; train together again under the only Coach who can teach us finish well. [7]

If heaven is writing poetry on the lives of my wife and children, who am I to step in and scrawl nonsense on the work of Christ? Whenever my words or my attitude send them a message that they are failures, or that they have to earn my love or pride, or that they are an annoyance, I deface the work of Christ. Every time I give my wife a look that tells her without words that she is “less than”, I step in and write shame and anger into the poetry of heaven. 

We need to model grace and speak words of life to our family and friends and church community. We need to honor and not shame, to speak truth but always with grace, to affirm gifts and talents, and to display the compelling nature of Christ through our words and actions. 

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We often wonder if God has a plan for our lives. Yes. His plan is to raise us up as His children.His plan is that we become a testimony to the incredible riches of His grace as He makes us into something beautiful. 



  • Share with someone how God’s grace has “raised you up” when you were dead in your sins. 

  • Read through this passage every day to remind yourself of the immense “added value” God has given to you through Jesus.

  • Purposefully practice the three implications (practicing humility, remembering value and worth, and consciously treating others well). Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your heart, mind, and strength.


[1] https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/colliding-cultures/john-winthrop-dreams-of-a-city-on-a-hill-1630/

[2] G.K. Chesterton, a famous author, was once asked by a newspaper, “What’s wrong with the world today?” He famously responded, “I am.”  

[3] https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/28/us/simone-biles-olympics-gymnastics-physical-mental-health/index.html

[4] Hebrews 4:15

[5] Romans 12; 1 Peter 3:8

[6] 1 Thessalonians 5:11

[7] 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Matthew 5:19