
Rebuilding: A Parable

“Imagine yourself as a living house. 

God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? 

The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace.  

He intends to come and live in it Himself.”

- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity



You live in a broken, run-down house. You’ve been here as long as you can remember. You know nothing else. For a while you were able to at least keep it looking nice on the outside, but it’s always been falling apart. 

You recently discovered that the foundation has massive cracks, with huge chunks falling out. In some places it looks like somebody just spray painted over some really sandy soil (Matthew 7:24-27) to look like concrete. You don't know much about foundations, but this seems like a problem.

The landlord seemed like a great guy at first (2 Corinthians 11:24). He allowed you to skip rent. He let you host all the parties you wanted – he even helped fund more than one. Sure, your friends trashed the place, but you trashed theirs, so it all seemed fair in a messed up kind of way. 

But you slowly realize that the landlord is a hard owner. You thought he was your friend. He isn’t. That rent you thought you skipped shows up in different fees, and when you think about the math you know the cost is more than you realized.

The landlord keeps promising that you will have a better house and a better life if you will just do one more thing: fix the roof, mend some pipes, hang new drywall, repaint, rebuild the foundation that keeps sinking further into the sandy soil. 

But all those things cost money that you don’t have, so you borrow money from the landlord at what you know is a ridiculous rate, but nobody else will loan you money. But even that growing debt can’t keep you ahead of the decay of this house. The only thing that ever pans out is pandemonium. 

You spackle over holes in the wall when you need a new wall; you wrap duct tape around leaking pipes when you need new pipes; you keep putting new vinyl tile on the floor to cover up the cracks when you need a new floor. Really (and deep inside you know it), you need a new house, because this house is doomed (Jeremiah 19:13).

It doesn’t help that you are really sick (Psalm 38). You feel as run down as your house looks. Maybe it’s the asbestos in the walls, and the ton of lead in all the paint, and what you are starting to think are purposefully leaky pipes in the gas stove. Maybe it’s the hint of sulfur that’s always in the air. 

Maybe it’s the snakes that keeping waiting outside the door to bite your feet (Genesis 3:15). Maybe it’s the parties that trash the whole property, or the foolish things you’ve done thinking they would make the house better when they just made everything worse.

Whatever the reasons, there’s something toxic about this house. It’s killing you. But as far as you know, this is all you have. This is the only place to live. All of your friends live in houses like this; the stories they tell about their landlord make it sound suspiciously like yours. You hate the person you have become in the house you’ve allowed to fall apart.

To make things worse, you realize one day that somebody is following you. Literally. He’s one step behind you everywhere you go. When you are finally able to catch a glimpse in a mirror, you realize… it’s you. 

Not just like you, but a zombie version. This other you looks like one of the Walking Dead. By the end of the day, he’s got a hand on your shoulder. The next morning, he drapes his arms around you and makes you carry him everywhere you go.

 He stinks. He’s dead weight. (Romans 7:24). You call your landlord hoping he can do something, but he already knew. “Yeah, they always show up in my houses.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s you. It’s just the real you. The dead you.”

“Why did it show up just now?”

“Oh, it’s always been there. You’ve been dead for years. You just couldn’t see it. ” 

There’s nothing you can do. The landlord doesn’t care. Most of your friends hang out somewhere else, and the ones that show up get really uncomfortable when you start to talk about it. You aren’t sure if it’s because they don’t see the dead you, or if they have their own haunting them. They just change the subject.

But they are your friends, so they try to help do things like paint the siding that is falling off the side of the house, and you continue to help them too. (Jeremiah 8:11)  It’s tough to paint while carrying death around.



Among other horrible things that happened during Bible times, captive soldiers were sometimes forced to carry a dead body until the rot of the corpse killed them. The Roman poet Virgil wrote: “What tongue can such barbarities record or count the slaughters of his ruthless sword?
’Twas not enough the good, the guiltless bled,
Still worse, he bound the living to the dead:
These, limb to limb, and face to face, he joined;
O! monstrous crime, of unexampled kind!
Till choked with stench, the lingering wretches lay,
And, in the loathed embraces, died away!” About 100 years later, when Paul was looking for an analogy about how much he hated the part of him prone to sin, he wrote:

“Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:24)

Several commentators have noted that Paul was possibly referring to the same thing Virgil did.  



CHAPTER TWO: Bring Out Your Dead!

The next day a man walks onto the porch and crushes a snake twisting up from the steps. “Bring out your dead!” he calls out cheerily (John 11:25). 

You study him for a moment. “Don’t I know you? I do! You offered one time to fix my cabinets and, uh, I didn’t hire you. You’re Mary’s boy, right?” He nods amiably. “Why are you asking for dead? Haven’t you been helping your daddy build houses?”

“I have indeed been about my Father’s business,” he responds, “but there’s more than one kind of house, and more than one way to build them. Bottom line: I am here to help you with your housing situation.”

“What makes you think I need help with my house, and what makes you think there are dead here?”

“I could see it from the road. I can smell it on your breath; I hear it in your words (Romans 3:13); I see it in your eyes. Oh – and it clings to you like a monstrous burden. 

This house has killed you. Your landlord cracked the gas lines and installed the asbestos. Your landlord made sure there are no detectors for smoke or gas. He made sure you owe him so much money that you feel like he owns you. He loads this property up with snakes. 

Your landlord likes to get everything he can from his tenants before leaving them dead. But you were meant to be alive (John 5:21). And I can get rid of that body of death and make this house livable.”

This sounds great, but… “How can I trust you?” 

“Why do you think you even know that death is haunting you? You thought you were tired and sick. But that day you first saw yourself in the mirror, I was the one who showed you what was real. I was the one who opened your eyes. You needed to know (2 Timothy 2:26). You can trust me, because I bring you truth that will set you free (John 8:32).”

”I don't think you understand. It won’t be that easy. I drowning in my debt; I’m dying in my sickness. I’ve explored other options, but as best as I can tell, I’m doomed to live here until this house collapses or I do.     I’m a captive here.” 

He nods. “I do understand. I’ve been in this neighborhood for a while. I actually moved into the area to live with you and your friends. And I’ve got good news: I have a plan to pay for your debt, and I’ve got a pretty good track record of bringing beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3).”

“How will you do that?”

His smile is gentle, and grave. ”It will be…costly. But I will take captive the things that have captured you; I will pay your debt. I will take that load of death onto me so that you can be free from it. I am here to offer you freedom from your landlord and your dead self (Romans 5:6-21).”

“Why me? I’m nothing. Nobody. I’ve done nothing to deserve this.”

“Why not you? I care about you. I am here to seek and save people and situations that seem hopeless (Luke 19:10). Plus, I would actually like to move into this house (1 Corinthians 6:19), and where I am, there is no room for death and ruin (1 Corinthians 15:55).” 

“Where would I go if you move into this house?”

“Why would you want to go?”

You sit quietly for a long time. Your father always said you got what you deserved, and he never helped with your house or your health. Your landlord pretended to be your friend while guiding you down a road to death. Your friends had trashed your house, then had taken their dead selves to their dead parties on dead-end streets.

You look around at the shambles all around you. You remember the landlord’s harsh, condemning voice (Revelation 12:10). You feel the dead weight of your sins, failures and inadequacies on your back (Isaiah 43:24). 

You’ve never known anyone who seemed to care about you and your life. This man is kind (Romans 2:4). He’s generous (2 Corinthians 8:9). He offers a new start. He offers a new identity. Basically, He offers to make all things new (Revelations 21:5). 

Finally you whisper, “I have no future. I have no hope. Everyone offers me death. There is nowhere else to go. You are the only one who has ever offered me life (John 6:68). So…yes. Let’s do this. I and my house are yours.”

The Man stands up, lifts my dead self off my back, and places it onto his. “Well done. You have asked for resurrection, and I will give it. I will get the deed to your house, and when I return, I will show you what life is supposed to look like (Hebrews 2:14-18).”

You watch him until he is out of sight. It takes a while. He stops and knocks at every house. You wonder what he is going to do with all the dead he takes upon himself as he walks through the town. Then you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

When you awake at dawn three days later, you know everything has 




Christ sets us free from that dead weight that’s been killing us. Why? Because He can, and he loves us.  We just need to ask. Then we are set free from that body of death. Here’s how Paul explains it in Romans 6 (beginning in verse 2).

"We died to our old sinful lives, so how can we continue living with sin? Did you forget that all of us became part of Christ when we were baptized? We shared his death in our baptism. When we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and shared his death. So, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the wonderful power of the Father, we also can live a new life… We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us and we would not be slaves to sin…

CHAPTER THREE: ReOrientation

You have a hard time believing the changes. No more debt. No more creditors knocking at your door – or at least, when they do, this man takes care of them. Now the rain stays outdoors and the plumbing stays in the pipes. Your front door actually latches. The floors seem to be some strange new normal –maybe that’s what people mean by level? It’s…amazing (2 Corinthians 5:17).

This Man – you’ve started calling him the ReBuilder - has a bigger plan than you realized. He isn’t going to just uncondemn the house and sweep up the garbage. He is planning to turn your shack into a mansion. When he first told you, you said, “Awesome! Go right ahead!” 

But the ReBuilder smiled and said, “Not without you. It’s our house. We work together. I’m going to completely remake the foundation(Matthew 7:24-27), and I am taking the lead on the rebuilding so you don’t work in vain (Psalm 127:1), but you need to give yourself to this project” (Romans 12:1).

The first thing you do is take an honest assessment of the mess that your house has become. You forgot how many rooms you had added, locked rooms haunted by the ghosts of the other Dead Yous that you didn’t even realize were there. 

The oldest one was the ghost of Abused You, sealed away, thinking it would stay behind that door but knowing (honestly) that it crept out all the time and hovered over every relationship you had. Then there was the room of the No Longer Innocent You, the room where love began to fade and shame began to grow; the room where Addicted You lost control.

Then there’s the room where Greedy You first learned to trample on others; the room where Angry You still punched holes in the wall and watched the fear grow in the eyes of others; the room of Mouthy You, where you first learned that words can manipulate, control, and wound – and you liked it.

It’s an embarrassing tour. The Rebuilder doesn’t seemed shocked. He keeps an arm around your shoulders as you walk; he lifts your chin up when your shame overwhelms you (Psalm 3:3). When you are done he says, “Has anyone ever killed a fatted calf for you?” (Luke 15:11-32)

“What? That’s…um, no. A fat calf? They once grilled a chicken – poorly, I might add, but they tried. Does a plump chicken and potato salad count?”

He smiles. “Not the same thing. It’s time to throw a celebration party for you.”

“What? This- (you point at the hallway with so many Dead You rooms – this deserves a celebration?”

“No, not that. But you were lost; now you are found (Luke 15:11-31). This deserves a celebration. Something barbecued or maybe even deep fried, and with an onion blossom of some sort. And we’re going shopping. The living do not wear the clothes of the dead (Romans 13:14). Maybe you’ll even get some snakeskin boots.”

You don’t argue. No one had ever celebrated you before. 



Sanctification happens as the Holy Spirit works through Spirit-driven obedience as an act of worship.

“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” (Romans 12:1)

But a living sacrifice wants to get off the altar sometimes. That old body of death is hanging around. 

“On the one hand, I serve the law of God in my mind; but on the other hand, the carnal side of me follows the law of sin.” (Romans 7:25)

This is an image for the process of sanctification. Initially, we are set apart (“made holy”) when we are justified by Christ. It changes our identity. We are no longer spiritually dead, enslaved to sin. Now we are alive and renewed. In an ongoing manner, the justified person who submits to God's will is becoming conformed to the image of Christ. Colossians 3:1-12 gives a great description of how the process takes place:

“Since you were raised from the dead with Christ, aim at what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Think about the things in heaven, not the things on earth. Your old sinful self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God.  Christ is your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory. 

So put all evil things out of your life: sexual sinning, doing evil, letting evil thoughts control you, wanting things that are evil, and greed. This is really serving a false god. These things make God angry. In your past, evil life you also did these things. But now also put these things out of your life: anger, bad temper, doing or saying things to hurt others, and using evil words when you talk. Do not lie to each other. You have left your old sinful life and the things you did before. You have begun to live the new life, in which you are being made new and are becoming like the One who made you. 

This new life brings you the true knowledge of God.  In the new life there is no difference between Greeks and Jews, those who are circumcised and those who are not circumcised, or people who are foreigners, or Scythians. There is no difference between slaves and free people. But Christ is in all believers, and Christ is all that is important.

God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you. So you should always clothe yourselves with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

See this tension? Though we are freely justified, fitting the mold of goodness doesn’t come naturally. God will continue to do a work in us through the Holy Spirit, but we invest sweat equity too. We see this tension other places in the Bible as well.

·      God works in us for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). 

·      God helps us bear good fruit (John 15:4).

·      God equips Christians to do his will (Hebrews13:21). 

At the same time the Bible also states:

·      We must work out their salvation (Philippians 2:12). 

·      We work to supplement our faith with virtue and good works (2Peter 1:5-7). 

·      We commit to abounding in the work of the Lord (1Corinthians 15:58).




CHAPTER Four: ReBuilding


As you work, the ReBuilder gives you all the tools you need – which is a good thing, because it turns our your tool set is part of the problem. He gives you his personally drawn blueprint, a fund to draw from for building materials, expert advice and help, etc. Since he’s the architect, designer, builder and inspector, He is available every day – leading, guiding, protecting, correcting (Romans 8:14).

But you have to set your alarm, get out of bed, put on the tool belt, pick up the lumber, swing a hammer, get splinters, and break and rebuild a few things. You are going to invest some sweat equity into this house (1 Corinthians 9:27).

Some days are better than others. You notice other houses in the neighborhood that are also being transformed by this ReBuilder. As you visit their project and they stop by yours, you build friendships as you listen to each other’s stories and admire the work of the Rebuilder. It is strange to be surrounded by…how would you describe this new feeling?... Hope. That’s it. Hope (Colossians 1:27). 

But you find it’s also easy to be jealous of other houses that look nicer – or to be proud as you compare yours to the ones the look less advanced. The ReBuilder picks up on this and just shakes his head. 

“Focus. Eyes on me. You and I are building your house (Philippians 2:12). You don’t know what kind of house they had before or where we are at in the rebuilding process. Let’s get your own house in order. I’ll worry about the others.”

You get hurt; you get tired; you misread the blueprint and put some walls at the wrong place and tear down others that should have been left alone; you shoot yourself with the nail gun more than once. You learn the importance of safety glasses and noise cancelling headphones, because it turns out guarding your eyes and ears is a thing that matters.

 You question the ReBuilder’s blueprint when it shows that he plans to remodel a part of your old house that you wanted to keep. You argue when He shows you something that is not up to code. He makes you move that foundation off the sand and onto a rock (Matthew 7:24-27), and that is some exhausting work. You never realized how much you had built on a poor foundation.

You occasionally find that your creepy old landlord has slithered off the sidewalk and is crouching outside your door (Genesis 4:7), wondering if he can hang out for a while. “Take a break,” he hisses. “Don’t take life so seriously.” Some days you actually invite him in and you hang out. 

It’s sometimes fun for a while (Hebrews 11:25), but it never ends well. You feel worn down again, almost as if your dead self was back, hand on your shoulder, whispering emptiness and loneliness into your ear. Your landlord always ends up roaring through your house, punching holes in the drywall, unfastening pipes, taking a jackhammer to the foundations - basically trying to demolish everything. (1 Peter 5:8)

But the Rebuilder helps you resist, and the old landlord has to leave (James 4:7). More than once the ReBuilder has picked that sneaky ghost of your Dead Self up by the collar and thrown him out on the street. You apologize to the ReBuilder when this happens.

He hugs you and reorients you. He doesn't yell (1 John 1:9). His forgiveness is just another one of the gift you don’t deserve (Ephesians 1:7). But that doesn’t mean you don’t spend days –even weeks - cleaning up the mess you created. 

You pick up all the stuff you can, and the Rebuilder gets the places you can’t reach and corrects the damage beyond your ability. He helps you make a plan to resist and avoid this situation the next time (Ephesians 4:27; 2 Corinthians 2:11). 

There are some days you wonder why the ReBuilder even puts up with you, but he never leaves you on your own. He remains true to his word. He holds you to the code but patiently helps you when you miss the mark. He teaches you how not to shoot anyone, including yourself, with the nail gun. 

You know you are in this together, that he is for you, that he will restore you and help you even when you are at your weakest (Psalm 51:10-12). So every day you rise and build, and you find increasing satisfaction in the affirmation of the ReBuilder and the pleasure of a job well done (Nehemiah 2:17-18; Matthew 25:23).



"We died to our old sinful lives, so how can we continue living with sin? Did you forget that all of us became part of Christ when we were baptized? We shared his death in our baptism. When we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and shared his death. So, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the wonderful power of the Father, we also can live a new life… We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us and we would not be slaves to sin... “ (Romans 6:2 and following)

Baptize meant to "put into" or "immerse" so that the thing baptized takes on the properties of the thing into which it was baptized. Garments were "baptized" in dye so that the garments took on the color of the dye. Cucumbers were “baptized” so that they became pickles. Christians absorb the righteousness that comes from Jesus’ death and resurrection. But part of devotion is making a choice about to whom you will offer yourself.

Surely you know that when you give yourselves like slaves to obey someone, then you are really slaves of that person. The person you obey is your master. You can follow sin, which brings spiritual death, or you can obey God, which makes you right with him. In the past you were slaves to sin—sin controlled you. But thank God, you fully imitated the pattern of our teaching. You were made free from sin, and now you are slaves to goodness.” (Romans 6:16-18)

This “pattern of our teaching” refers to melted metal cast into a mold and conforming to the impression that is sunk or cut in the mold. They used to pour themselves into sin, and they conformed to its pattern. Now they are choosing to pour themselves into the truth about Christ, and they conformed to it. They looked like goodness. 

If we died with Christ, we know we will also live with him…You should see yourselves as being dead to the power of sin and alive with God through Christ Jesus. So, do not let sin control your life here on earth so that you do what your sinful self wants to do. Do not offer the parts of your body to serve sin, as things to be used in doing evil. Instead, offer yourselves to God as people who have died and now live. Offer the parts of your body to God to be used in doing good. Sin will not be your master, because you are not under law but under God’s grace.  (Romans 6:1-8; 11-14)

 “To live” in something was to be wholly given to it. An ancient writer, Aelian, wrote: “The Tapyrians are such lovers of wine, that they live in wine; and the principal part of their life is devoted to it.”  Not only do we soak up righteousness (which is a passive word of transformation), we can be wholeheartedly devoted (an active verb). 



CHAPTER FIVE: ReBuilt and Alive

It’s not all work. A lot of the time you just spend time with each other. He fishes with you on still waters. You shoot hoops at the YMCA and join friends at Buffalo Wild Wings for March Madness and go to Jonny Lang concerts. Being around him restores your soul (Psalm 23) even while your callouses thicken. You realize that you are absorbing his ideas, his language, his priorities, his way of living life abundantly (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Others join your circle. Some bring their dead; some have already been set free (Mark 2:13-17). Some still live in shacks; others are working with the ReBuilder on mansions. 

The Rebuilder welcomes them all. He didn’t come to condemn the dead to their bare, cold shacks. He came to save them and rebuild their lives (John 3:17). You invite even more to hang out with you (1 John 3:10). Some do; some don’t. You never stop inviting.

And slowly but surely, your house is becoming the kind of mansion that showcases the glorious power of the Rebuilder (Philippians 1:6). You find that you easily congratulate others whose houses are flourishing, and you compassionately help neighbors who are struggling. 

The blueprint makes more sense than it used to. You look forward to your alarm clock. The old landlord still comes around, but more than ever you see through his lies (John 8:44). Your Dead selves that once haunted you so closely stay on the sidewalk, and you notice their numbers have been dwindling. 

You notice a neighbor starting to work on his house by himself. He looks miserable. He is constantly having to redo things that don’t work; he has changed foundations twice, and that didn’t help his mood or his progress. He’s mentioned before that he had noticed the changes in your house, so you swing by occasionally to talk about his project. 

He’s not interested in your advice, so you help him bail water out of his flooded basement and bide your time.You take him some water one blistering day (Mark 9:41) and see that he finally has a blueprint. “Oh,” you say, “Did you meet the ReBuilder?” 

“No,” says your neighbor. “Why would he want to help with my house? It’s horrible. I found this fixer-upper idea from some well-known landlord online – he’s all over Twitter - and I added my own modifications. I think I can fix my house enough so the ReBuilder will notice. Once I make it good enough, I’ll be ready for him. When I meet him, I’d rather start with him being impressed than thinking I am some loser in need of help with everything.” He pauses. “No offense.”

“None taken,” I say. “But I have to tell you that this isn’t Field of Dreams.”

“My favorite movie!” he interjected.

“I figured. But this isn’t, ‘If you build it, he will come.’ It doesn't work that way. Stop trying to do it yourself (Isaiah 64:6). Unless the Rebuilder builds it and shares his tools, your labor is useless (Psalm 127:1). It’s making you angry and annoying your neighbors, and the next big storm is going to put you back at square one (Matthew 7:24-27).” 

“Nah,” he said. “I’ve got this. You’ll see.” He returns to his works. His Dead Self turns and smirks at you as you walk away and hands your neighbor some bottled water from Sulfur Springs, motto: “Thirst. Again.” (John 4:14)

You find that, the longer you work with the ReBuilder, more than a few note how you are continuing to become like Him (Ephesians 5:1). You are humbled and encouraged. Your friends used to comment on the eerie similarity between you and your former landlord (John 8:44; 1 John 3:10).This is much better. 

“But,” they say, “what’s with all the ongoing work? You told us this was a gift, but it’s starting to look like a life-long project.”

“Oh, it is, and it’s fantastic! Working side by side with the ReBuilder is part of the gift (1 Corinthians 1:9). I don't deserve to be his apprentice. Who am I to swing a hammer on this house? Who am I to cut expensive trim, and build a strong chimney? I brought nothing to this project, but he gives me everything I need to build great things (Colossians 3:1-12) on the foundation he has set.

“He has given me far above what I could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). I just want to know Him and understand what kind of person gives grace to the failures and life to the dead (Philippians 3:10).  I just want to be near him and be like him and be part of the work he is doing in the world.

And in that process, all these things (here you wave your hand to show His house, His tools, the work of His hands, the campfire where He sat with his friends) have been added unto me” (Matthew 6:33). This, my friends, is what happens when obedience responds to grace. This is life (John 10:10; Romans 8:12-14).”


Harmony 5: Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)

Now on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there,  and Jesus and  his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no wine left.”[1]  Jesus replied, “Dear woman,[2] why are you saying this to me?[3] My time has not yet come.” His mother told the servants, “Whatever he tells you, do it.” 

Now there were six stone water jars[4] there for Jewish ceremonial washing[5], each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, “Fill the water jars with water.” So they filled them up to the very top. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the head steward,” and they did. 

When the head steward tasted the water that had been turned to wine, not knowing where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), he called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the cheaper wine when the guests are drunk. You have kept the good wine until now!”[6] 

Jesus did this as the first of his miraculous signs, in Cana of Galilee. In this way he revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him. After this Jesus went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples, and they stayed there a few days.

I could spend a lot of time on how, throughout church history, people found every minute detail loaded with meaning, and they may well be right. Check my footnotes. I just don’t have time to address everything. I am going to hit three bigger picture observations from this event.


From the beginning, Jesus was not about spotlights, glamour, or show. He uses “the foolish things of the world” right out of the ministry gates. This is consistent with what Paul later writes to the church in Corinth.

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish (uneducated) things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak (without influence) things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly (lacking nobility) things of this world and the despised (without merit) things—and the things that are not [esteemed]—to nullify the things that are [esteemed], so that no one may boast before him. (1 Corinthians 1:26-29)[7]

Jesus uses the things that “are not”:

  • servants, not prominent community leaders.

  • clay pots, not silver bowls.

  • water, the most basic liquid on the planet.

  • a poor person’s wedding.[8]

  • “Galilee of the Gentiles.”

  • 5 recorded disciples, and he had to ask a couple of them to join.

  • “They believed in him” after this, as if maybe not all of them were quite sure what they had signed up for.

 Jesus sanctifies the ordinary. This is the way of the kingdom. He calls ordinary disciples. He hangs out with the ordinary people in common places. He transforms ordinary things into extraordinary gifts. Jesus didn’t need movers and shakers, halls of power, mansions, a spotlight, or an honored place with the Pharisees.[9] In fact, he tended to resist all those things throughout his ministry. He sanctified the ordinary.

If you think of yourself as ordinary, don’t let that discourage you. Jesus intends to sanctify you. He will take the “are not” part of you and make something of it for your good and His glory.

JESUS PROPS UP HYPERLINKS (earthly realities analagous to heavenly realities)

Jesus brings wine to a wedding (two images LOADED into the New Testament in reference to the church – the bride – and Jesus – the groom. More on that later). The first thing official act John records is Jesus ensuring the success of an earthly institution that was going to be referenced to describe heavenly realities.[10]

Theologians use the word “accommodation” to describe how God communicates to people. He accommodates us by using language and imagery we can understand.  Think about how your language changes with your kids as they grow older. How you explain something to them when they are 3 is very different from when they are 8, or 15. The realities of the heavenly kingdom are often explained in the institutions, language, and images of earth. This is an accommodation to help us understand things about God and His Kingdom.

  • God as a Father and Husband

  • Church as a Bride or a Mother

  • Christians as children of God, brothers and sisters with each other

  • Marriage as a covenant of mutual love, care and respect.

I have been blessed to have those analogies bring an overall good response in me: Great dad and mom and extended family; I love being a husband a father; my sisters are amazing; marriage gets deeper and better the further it goes. None of these people or institutions have been perfect; sometimes it’s been really hard. I don’t want to make it glossy where its not. It’s just that when someone says to me, “God is our Father,” that brings me comfort, not anxiety, fear, or disgust.

We have hyperlinks embedded in us. We hear those words or think about those things, and we are taken to a place in our hearts and minds. We make a connection. I think we, as the people of God, have a vested interest in strengthen the integrity of these things so we and others don’t have terrible hyperlinks embedded in us. We do this by a) valuing them ourselves in word and deed, and b) bringing gospel health and healing in the culture around us through spreading the Good News of the life-saving, life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. 

  • I am interested in the church teaching and modeling godly fatherhood (and a holy view of masculinity in general), as well as bringing gospel-centric stabilization to fathers and men everywhere. When people hear that God is a Father, I want to help “make straight the path” to the salvation and transformation Jesus offers rather than settle for potholes on the road to the Kingdom.

  • I am interested in the church teaching and modeling godly motherhood (and holy view of femininity in general) as well as bringing gospel-centric stabilization to mothers and women everywhere. When people hear that church is their mother, I want to help “make straight the path” to the salvation and transformation Jesus offers rather than settle for potholes on the road to the Kingdom.

  • I am interested in the church building holy marriages/families and then stabilizing marriages/families all around us. When people hear that the church is a bride with a divine groom, or God adopts as his children, I want the to help “make straight the path” to the salvation and transformation Jesus offers rather than settle for potholes on the road to the Kingdom.

This isn’t about political action, though surely God has ordained government to restrain evil and support what is good. I’m talking about first being salt and light, and then being scattered throughout our neighborhoods to bring gospel preservation and truth in what we say and what we do.

For that matter, this is true of the language we use to describe aspects of God’s character – and thus God’s action in the world. We, as followers of Jesus, have an interest in properly defining and living out things that are part of God’s nature and will for the world

  • Love needs true definition and consistent incarnation so that when we talk about God’s love and our love for God and others, we bring gospel illumination to a very murky word. 

  • Justice needs true definition and consistent incarnation so that when we talk about a just God’s justice, we bring gospel illumination to an often misunderstood word. 

  • Mercy and grace need true definition and consistent incarnation so that when we talk about a God’s mercy and grace, people have already seen a gospel illumination in the mercy displayed by God’s people.

 In all these things, we have the opportunity to “make straight the path” to Jesus through our words and our lives.



Jesus rebuked his own mother – respectfully – when she asked him to do something about the wine problem. Commentators, preachers and theologians disagree on what is going on here. The equivalent Hebrew expression in the Old Testament had two basic meanings:

  1. When one person was unjustly bothering others, they could say "What to me and to you?" meaning, "What have I done to you that you should do this to me?" (Judg 11:122 Chr 35:211 Kgs 17:18 ).

  2. When someone was asked to get involved in a matter that was not their business, she could say, "What to me and to you?"Or, "That is your business, how am I involved?" (2 Kgs 3:13Hos 14:8).”[11]

 So did Jesus mean:

  • “This is not our problem. If they run out of wine, they run out of wine.” That would seem at odds with Jesus’ character.

  • “It’s not time for me to do miracles.” Which is basically what he told Satan in the wilderness when he didn’t do a miracle, so I struggle with that explanation.

  • Some say he was just honoring his mother’s request – but then what happened to, “I must be about my Father’s business”? Or the times he tells people they must prioritize God over people, including their families?

 I have an opinion that I hold in an open hand. I think he is saying, “I am not responsible for thiswedding feast. I am not the master of ceremonies or the groom. Not yet.” Not yet. But that hour will come. After all, Jesus as the groom taking the church as His bride[12] is a primary image throughout the New Testament.

The Mishnah Kiddushin (where the Talmud deals with “dedication” or betrothal) talks about how a groom secured a bride. This is a different culture, to be sure, so whatever you think of the process, watch for the analogy.

·      The groom (and/or his father) traveled to the bride’s home to “purchase” her with a “bride price.”[13]

·      When the bride consented, the marriage contract, or ketubah, was established

·      The father handed the groom a cup of wine, which he gave to the bride and said, "This cup I offer to you."

·      If she drank it, they were betrothed. They had given their lives to each other.

·      This betrothal (kiddushin, meaning “sanctified” or set apart) made them legally husband and wife

·      During that time between betrothal and marriage, the groom would construct a home.

·      The groom would return for his bride without advance warning. The bride needed to be ready (see the parable in Matthew 25:1–15).

·      The groom’s arrival was announced with a shout, and the wedding feast commenced shortly.

·      On the 7th day of the wedding feast, the bridegroom lifted the veil of the bride. This moment of revelation was called "the apocalypse," or, "the unveiling." 

·      For the first time she was fully revealed to Him, and the marriage would be consummated.


·      Jesus traveled to earth to “purchase” His bride, the church, for the price of His blood. Purchase from whom, you ask? Hmmm. Well, the Bible says that outside of Christ, “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (I John 5:19) We are in bondage to the Devil as “master” and at times even a “father” (John 8:44, I John 3:8), prince of this world (John 12:31; Ephesians 2:1-3) or ruler (John 16:11). I think this means we are born into (or have sold ourselves into) Satan’s headship as our abusive father/husband/master. Jesus offers betrothal that dissolves our ties to the ruler of the darkness of this world and makes us members of God’s household, no expense spared.[14]

·      Jesus gives a bride price: the Holy Spirit. The church consents.

·      The marriage contract is established; the church is sanctified, or set apart, exclusively for Jesus.

·      God the Father handed Jesus the cup of His suffering; Jesus says, "This cup I offer to you." #lastsupper

·      In communion, we symbolically accept His life and give him ours. We are betrothed (“sanctified”), but waiting for the final consummation.

·      During that time Jesus is “preparing a place” for us (John 14:2-3).

·      Jesus will return for the church (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The exact time of his arrival is not known (Mark 13:33). The church needs to be ready![15] “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Revelation 19)

·      His arrival will be announced with a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16).

·      In Revelation, "The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ” we see the "unveiling" of the Bride as she is received by Christ, the Bridegroom. 

·      The consummation for the church? “Then we will fully know as we are known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

Final note. Seven blessings were pronounced at the wedding. The 7th Blessing summarizes the others, after which the bride and the groom share wine:

"Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, King of the universe, who has created joy and gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love, brotherhood, peace and fellowship. Soon may there be heard in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms from their canopies, and of youths from their feasts of song. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who makest the bridegroom to rejoice with the bride."[16]

 We are closing with communion today. It was the betrothal ceremony initiated by Jesus 2,000 years ago. “This do in remembrance of me.” He is preparing a place; he will return, and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and His bride, the church, will begin. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

"Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, King of the universe, who has created joy and gladness, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love, brotherhood, peace and fellowship. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who through your Son has made the way for bride, the church, to rejoice with the bridegroom – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May our words and our lives fill the streets with the jubilant voices of joy and gladness.”


[1] Ancient commentators speculated this was the wedding of John the Baptist or another near relative - which is why Mary would know of this hugely embarrassing shortage of wine, and perhaps explaining why a shortage of wine was a problem for Jesus to help solve. Also, notice Mary does not ask for a miracle. She asks for Jesus to help solve a problem. Some think Mary may have been hinting they should leave: “A question of great interest arises - What did she mean by her appeal? Bengel suggested that Mary simply intended: "Let us depart before the poverty of our hosts reveals itself." (Pulpit Commentary)

[2] This is a respectful way of addressing a woman within that culture.

[3] What do you have against me? What is there between us? What do we have in common in this matter?” It’s “a phrase that emphasizes distance and often hostility.” (NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible) It was a Hebraic idiom that means in essence “What do we have in common?" Demons spoke similar words when confronted by Christ ("What business do we have with each other, in Mk 1:24+Mk 5:7+). (Precept Austin)

[4] “That there are six (one less than the perfect seven) indicates that the Law, illustrated by water being reserved for Jewish purification, was incomplete, imperfect, and unable to bestow life. This water is changed into wine, symbolizing the old covenant being fulfilled in the new, which is capable of bestowing life. The overabundant gallons of wine illustrate the overflowing grace Christ grants to all.” (Orthodox Study Bible)

[5] Those pots were to be used for washing for ritual purity. “To employ waterpots set aside for purification for non-ritual purposes violated custom; consistent with Jesus’ values elsewhere in the Gospels, Jesus here values the host’s honor above ritual purity customs.” (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the New Testament) 

[6] "The Old Covenant is the inferior wine: Jesus is the good wine.

[7] “These verses should serve as a rebuke to Christians who curry the favor of prominent and well-known personages and show little or no regard for the more humble saints of God.” (Believer’s Bible Commentary)

[8] Most commentaries speculate that the hosts had cut it close on the wine to save money.

[9] If you find yourself chasing and clinging to the powerful, beautiful, famous people in the spotlight of culture or church, that’s not a spotlight found in Scripture. Be careful. God’s favor is not on the boastful and proud.

[10] Earthly marriage and weddings are important enough to prop up, even if they are only echoes of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb and the wedding of Christ and the church. 

[11] Explanation from the NET Bible

[12] For example, Revelation 21:29–10;  19:722:17. “I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.” (2 Corinthians 11:2–3).

[13] When a dowry is paid, it is paid by the bride’s family. This did not happen in Judaism.

[14] “Betrothed to God at a Price.”

[15] In Revelation 19:1-9 : “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they who are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.”

[16] Translation from


Seeing, Being, Doing, Becoming (1 John 2:28 – 3:3)

So now, my little children, abide and endure in Him, so that when He is revealed when he returns, we will have trusting confidence and not have to shrink back and hang our heads in shame before Him. If you know that He is just and faithful, then you also perceive[1] that everyone who lives faithfully and acts justly in conformity to his will[2] has been born into a new life through Him as one of his children.[3] 

 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the people of the world do not comprehend us is that they do not know him. 

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see[4] him (spiritually perceive him) as he is.  All who have this hope in him purify themselves from moral defilement[5], just as he is pure[6].


Seeing – Being – Doing – Becoming


There is something about this pattern embedded in what we know about life starting with when we see something. 

  • “I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool. I’m your buckaroo; I want to be like you.” “Watching You,” Rodney Atkins

  • “You, I wanna be like you, I want to walk like you, talk like you, too. You’ll see it’s true, and ape like me can learn to be human too.” – “I Wanna Be Like You,” The Jungle Book

  • See someone working (fireman, when I was a kid) and we want to be like them (brave, strong, capable) and do what they do (put out fires and save lives).

 We SEE them; we want to BE like them so we can DO what they do and BECOME a particular kind of person. This is the pattern John unfolds in this chapter. 

  • We SEE Jesus (the previous verses from last week’s message show us how Scripture allows us to do this with the guidance of the Holy Spirit)

  • We want to BE with him by being born into new life in God’s family

  • We want to DO things in conformity with his will

  • We will increasingly BECOME like him 

 See. Be with. Do. Become like. That’s the order, the progression. So let’s look at these one at a time.



Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away.[7] But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 

 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (from that veil).[8] And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”  (2 Corinthians 3:12-18)


In other words, “the more clearly we see him, the more we become like him.”[9] The Israelites in Paul’s day saw God through the Old Covenant in the Old Testament (“when Moses was read”), but they did not have the Holy Spirit’s illumination for what they were reading. The people of New Covenant do, and as we read “with unveiled faces” we are transformed into his image as we contemplate his glory. Jesus himself established this pattern after his resurrection when he was on the road to Emmaus with two guys who didn’t recognize him:  

“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself… “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:27-32)

Of course, Jesus was still there in the flesh, and so while he started with Scripture, he made sure they recognized him in the flesh later.  I mean, when Jesus was here, he was always the finale. But once he ascended, we see the pattern he used continued in Acts when Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch: 

Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.” (Acts 8:35)

In this case, Jesus was not there in the flesh for the Big Reveal; instead, the Holy Spirit illuminates the Scripture. 

God has ways of making his presence known when there are no Bibles around.[10] But when you have access to a Bible, study the Jesus in Scripture. The Holy Spirit will do the work of turning knowledge of Jesus into an encounter with Jesus, but we need to see the Jesus we are encountering. 

I recommend the Bible (obviously), The Jesus I Never Knew (Phillip Yancey), The Chosen (TV series), the Bible Project videos, and Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes (Kenneth Bailey), The Case For Christ (Lee Strobel) and Advent: The Once and Future Coming Of Jesus Christ (Fleming Rutledge) as starting points.



Tertullian noted that under the reign of Tiberius, children were sacrificed to Saturn; across the empire, children were killed “by drowning, or by exposure to cold and hunger and dogs.” [11]How different is God the Father, who has “lavished” love on his children (3:1

  •  “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4)

  •  “transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

  •  “children of God” (John 1:1213; 1 John 3:1-2).

  •  brothers and sisters of our Savior (Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:11-12) 

This is about identity. This is about our new state of being once we are in the family of God. He has lavished us with the privilege of being in his family. We are now a child of God and a spiritual brother or sister of Jesus.  If we have become something new, it’s because we first saw and responded to the One who can make us new. “I see who you are; now I want to be near you. If I am in the family, I want to bear the family resemblance.”

We can’t be another Jesus – there is only one God/Man – but we can be like him through a process called sanctification.  We’ve talked before about the image of baptism as similar to when a cucumber becomes a pickle. A cucumber is immersed in brine and ferments; over time, a cucumber becomes a pickled cucumber, but we just call it a pickle because that’s its primary identity now.  

When we commit our lives to Jesus, we ferment “in Christ” – we read the Word, the Holy Spirit works in us, we are in a family of God’s people, the power of God our Father and Christ our brother does a supernatural work in us.  In this state of being – in this new identity - we find rest, confidence, stability, purpose, dignity, value, hope, love. The first answer to the question, “Who am I?” is, “I am a child of God, invited into His family by great grace and at great cost because God wants me as His child.”




We do what we are. A cucumber does what a cucumber does (ever seen Veggie Tales?); pickles do what pickles do. We do what we are. 

·      If you fish a lot, it’s because you are a person who fishes a lot.

·      If you watch sports a lot, it’s because you are a person who watches sports a lot. 

·      If you find that you argue a lot…

·      If you give to others generously and quietly…

·      If you say things that tear people down…or build them up…

·      If you pray for your enemies or curse them…

We do what we are. Luke wrote that there is a treasury in our hearts, and we bring forth good or evil things from it.[12]

But now we are children of God. The lavish love of the Father moves God’s children to purify themselves, “just as he is pure” (3:3) because we want to do everything we can to honor the family. If we will do what we are, then if our hearts have been made newly righteous at salvation by God, we will do the things that people who love righteousness and holiness do. This is what it means that by our fruit we will be known.[13]

The Old Covenant Jewish worshipers went through purity rituals before approaching God or entering His temple.[14] Notice how the practice of purification continues in the New Covenant, but in a different way and for a different reason. 

“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.”( 1 Peter 1:22)

Now, we don’t purify ourselves in order to be worthy to approach the house of God, because we are already in the family of God. We purify ourselves because we are in the house of God, with his family, and we don’t want to track dirt into his house and get his family grimy.[15]

There is a huge difference between creating our spiritual identity by what we do vs. displayingour spiritual identity by what we do.  We can create a cultural identity by what we do – we can be known for something – but in the Kingdom of God, our identity is given to us, not created by us, and what we do displays that identity.  

  •  I don’t try to love my enemies because I want to be a child of God; I do it because I am a child of God. That is what children of God are intended to do. 

  • I’m not honest on my taxes, or kind to my wife and kids, or forgiving to those who wrong me, or gentle with my speech, or generous with my money, or careful with my sexual purity because I want to be a child of God; I do those things because I am a child of God, and that is what children of God are intended to do if they want to bear their Father’s image as He intended.

 A word of caution here. We want those outside the family of God to live as if they are in the family of God. Often this is because we see the wages of sin with clarity and our hearts break, or we have so experienced the goodness of the path of righteousness that we want others to experience it. Fair enough.

We want to live in a culture that shares our family values. They don’t. Why? They aren’t in the same family. What is the solution? They must see Jesus. Right now, that’s through His Word and through His people. 

If there is a cucumber side of you that feels like you were born to help bring order to that cultural chaos through politics or activism of some sort, cool.  It’s not like we can’t seek to offset the effects of sin while introducing people to Jesus. But don’t forget that your primary identity is that you have been pickled into the Kingdom (man, I love that I get to use that phrase in a sermon.) 

Right now, if I would ask the people who know you, “Talk to me about that person,” would their first, gut-level response have something to do with the new, pickled you – that is, the child of God soaked in the brine of the Word and the Spirit and the blood of Jesus, who is now characterized by Christ in you – or the cucumber you? 

I can think of a number of things that I increasingly worry characterize how people might identity me. I have been involved in a lot of things I am passionate about as a teacher, a blogger, and pastor who loves engaging the church and the culture in the pursuit of truth. 

But if my legacy among those who know me well starts with anything other than the equivalent of, “That dude loved Jesus and it permeated everything he was and everything he did,” what am I doing? 

You are welcome to say anything else at my funeral eulogy. You can say how much I bugged you, or how I talked about Crossfit too much, or how unorganized I was, or how I picked too many arguments, or how I imperfectly tried to start conversation on politics and ethics and cultural issues. You can say I talked too much instead of listening. You can say that I let you down or failed you, because if I haven’t already I will, and you can be honest in my eulogy. You can be nice, and talk about whatever cucumberish things you admired about me, and I mean, that would be cool too. 

But none of that matters if my legacy as a child of God is not defined by being known primarily as a child of God who saw the Father, and wanted to be in His family, and then lived as a child of God that just kept looking more like his Father.   

Everything else fades away. Only what’s done with Christ and for Christ will last. 


What are we becoming? There is coming a day when Christ will “transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Philemon 3:21) and we will be as fully as possible like him, because we will fully and clearly see him as he is. That is who we are intended to become.  There are a lot of ways to talk about heaven. Here is one way. In heaven,

  • We will see God fully and clearly. 

  • We will be completely in His unfiltered presence. 

  • We will say and do (doxology and worship[16]) whatever we say and do in the New Heaven and New Earth in perfect accordance with what God made us to do.

 The hard, messy work of sanctification will be over because our transformation into the image of Jesus will be complete. Finally J


[1] There is a change of verb from ‘if ye know’ (ἐὰν εἰδῆτε) to ‘ye know that’ (γινώσκετε ὅτι). The former means ‘to have intuitive knowledge’ or simply ‘to be aware of the fact’ (1 John 2:111 John 2:20-21): the latter means ‘to come to know, learn by experience, recognise, perceive’ (1 John 2:3-51 John 2:13-141 John 2:18). ‘If ye are aware that God is righteous, ye cannot fail to perceive that &c.’ Comp. ‘What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt understand (get to know) hereafter’ (John 13:7); ‘Lord, Thou knowest all things; Thou perceivest that I love Thee’ (John 21:17): and the converse change: ‘If ye had learned to know Me, ye would know My Father also’ (John 14:7; comp. John 8:55).  Cambridge Bible For Schools And Colleges

[2] díkaios (an adjective, derived from dikē, "right, judicial approval") – properly, "approved by God" (J. Thayer); righteous; "just in the eyes of God" (Souter).  See 1343 ("dikaiosynē). ["Righteous" relates to conformity to God's standard (justice). For more on the root-idea see the cognate noun, 1343 /dikaiosýnē ("righteousness").] 1342 /díkaios ("righteous, just") describes what is in conformity to God's own being (His will, standard of rightness); hence "upright."  HELPS Word Studies

[3] gennáō – properly, beget (procreate a descendant), produce offspring; (passive) be born, "begotten." HELPS Word Studies

[4] horáō – properly, see, often with metaphorical meaning: "to see with the mind" (i.e. spiritually see), i.e. perceive (with inward spiritual perception). HELPS Word Studies

[5] 1 John 3:3. The duty which our destiny imposes. ἐπʼ αὐτῷ, “resting on Him,” i.e., on God as Father. Cf. Luke 5:5 : ἐπὶ τῷῥήματί σου, “relying on Thy word”. ἐκεῖνος, Christ; see note on 1 John 2:6ἁγνός also proves that the reference is to Christ. As distinguished from ἅγιος, which implies absolute and essential purity, it denotes purity maintained with effort and fearfulness amid defilements and allurements, especially carnal.

[6] hagnós (an adjective, which may be cognate with 40 /hágios, "holy," so TDNT, 1, 122) – properly, pure (to the core); virginal (chaste, unadultered); pure inside and outholy because uncontaminated (undefiled from sin), i.e. without spoilation even within (even down to the center of one's being); not mixed with guilt or anything condemnable. HELPS Word-studies

[7] Some think that Moses’ veil was to protect the Israelites from being harmed or frightened by the brightness. More likely, the veil was to keep them from seeing that the glory was fading away because of the temporary and inadequate character of the old covenant (Ex. 34:29–35). By contrast, Paul needs no veil, for the glory of the new covenant ministry does not fade away.” (ESV Reformation Study Bible)  The Old Covenant offered transient glory. (King James Study Bible Notes)

[8] “Wherever this Gospel is received, there the Spirit of the Lord is given; and wherever that Spirit lives and works, there is liberty, not only from Jewish bondage, but from the slavery of sin - from its power, its guilt, and its pollution.”  (Adam Clarke)  Charles Stanley adds we are free from struggling to “become righteous through self-effort.”

[9] Expositor's Greek Testament.  The Orthodox Study Bible adds more detail:

The work of the Holy Spirit brings liberty (v. 17), freeing us to behold God and have open access to Him. Created as the image of God, we see His uncreated image, the Son, the glory of the Lord (v. 18; see 4:4–6)… through the Son's deified humanity (see 1Co 13:12Jam 1:23–25… in the power of the Spirit. As we behold Him, we become what we were created to be. 

[10] “When Muslims Dream Of Jesus.”

[11] Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the New Testament

[12] Luke 6:45

[13] Matthew 7:15-20

[14] John 11:55 and Acts 24:17-18

[15] “Only he who habitually does righteousness is a true son of the God who is righteous; just as only he who habitually walks in the light has true fellowship with the God who is light (1 John 1:6-7).” Cambridge Bible For Schools And Colleges 

[16] Hat tip to last week’s message :)