early church

Harmony #89: Being Loved and Hated (John 15:17-16:10)

 This is My command to you: love one another. If you find that the world [order] despises you, remember that before it despised you, it first despised Me.  If you were a product of the world order, then it would love you. But you are not a product of the world order because I have taken you out of it, and it despises you for that very reason. 

 Don’t forget what I have spoken to you: “a servant is not greater than the master.” If I was mistreated, you should expect nothing less. If they accepted what I have spoken, they will also hear you. Everything they do to you they will do on My account because they do not know the One who has sent Me.

If I had not spoken to them and done among them the works no on else has done, they would not be guilty of [this] sin [of despising me]; but now they have no excuse for ignoring My voice.[1] If someone despises Me, he also despises My Father. If I had not demonstrated things for them that have never been done, they would not be guilty of [this] sin. 

But the reality is they have stared Me in the face, and they have despised Me and the Father nonetheless. Yet their law, which says, “They despised Me without any cause,”[2] has again been proven true.

Notice how this portion is for people who “stared Jesus in the face.” I believe this is specifically an indictment on the Sadducees and Pharisees, religious leaders who a) knew their Scripture and b) knew first-hand what Jesus was doing, and they rejected him. Their dismissal of him was not because of ignorance of his words or to lack of miraculous evidence revealing who he was; they willingly and blatantly refused to believe what was made clear to them.

I will send a great Helper to you from the Father, one known as the Spirit of truth. He comes from the Father and will point to the truth as it concerns Me. But you will also point others to the truth about My identity, because you have journeyed with Me since this all began….

16:1 “I have told you all these things so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue[3], yet a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God. They will do these things because they have not known the Father or me.[4] But I have told you these things so that when their time comes, you will remember that I told you about them.

…But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Advocate [Holy Spirit] will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world order wrong[5]concerning sin and righteousness and judgment…

—concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will see me no longer; and concerning judgment, because the archon of this world has been condemned.

When the Holy Spirit arrives (most people assume this is a reference to Pentecost on the book of Acts), Jesus will be vindicated. The original word carries with it the idea of a defense attorney making an argument that will show a client’s innocence.

In all that our Lord says here, there seems to be an allusion to the office of an advocate in a cause, in a court of justice who, by producing witnesses, and pleading upon the proof, convicts the opposite party of sin, demonstrates the righteousness of his client, and shows the necessity of passing judgment upon the accuser. (Adam Clarke)

Concerning sin: This could be a reference to the general conviction of humanity that exposes our sin in order to lead us to repentance and salvation. I think it might be more specific than that in this immediate context because of that “face to face” comment. “They” – the Sadducees and Pharisees – did not believe in Jesus in spite of seeing him in person, hearing his teaching which they could not refute, and seeing his Messianic miracles. Meanwhile, they accused Jesus of blasphemy (a definite sin) because he claimed to be God. But he was correct. He did not sin as they supposed.

Concerning Righteousness: Righteousness is being in right relationship with God and others. Think of “rightness” as a synonym.  It’s internal and external alignment with God and God’s plan demonstrated in life. Jesus rising from the dead showed that He and the Father were one, as he so often claimed. The pouring out of God’s Spirit for the reunification of humanity (all the separated people from the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11) reveals the plan of which Jesus was a part.

Concerning Judgment: the ‘archon’ of the world stood condemned. A couple weeks ago, we talked about a previous use of that word in this same speech in the gospel of John where it seemed to point toward the flesh and blood rulers of the world order (the Sanhedrin and Rome). This could be restating that, or it could be referring more broadly to Satan as a leader of the world order. Either way, they and their ‘world order’ stand condemned. As Jesus will say later in this same speech, “Be of good cheer. I have overcome this world order.”

* * * * *

Re: The world loving and hating Jesus and followers of Jesus

I like the translation of “world order” over just “world.” The latter makes it sounds like everybody who is not a Christian is going to hate Christians. But that’s not true. As history shows, a whole lot of people who weren’t Christians have become Christians because they found Christ compelling, often because of the compelling nature of the Christians around them. “World Order” captures the idea of the cultural power structures the run earthly empires, not every individual.[6]

The World Order reacted differently to Jesus than the masses of the people did. The ones with power, prestige and comfort on the line reacted differently to Jesus than the poor and powerless.

  • Rome, the Sadducees/Herodians, Pharisees and Zealots responded differently than did the Essenes – the one group not seeking earthly power positions. 

  • The outcasts in Jewish society – tax collectors, prostitutes, the physically sick, the Samaritans, the – they seemed to get along with Jesus really well.

  • ·The overlooked and underappreciated – women, children, slaves, the poor – they find Jesus and his path of life really compelling (the early church filled up with them!).

People with a lot of earthly clout, those with a lot to lose by following the Messiah who taught love over coercion, servanthood over power flexing, humility over pride, generosity over materialism – well, they tended to push back against Jesus pretty hard. They have bought in to what Ephesians 2 calls “the course of this world.”

  • The world order values coercive power; Jesus values a servanthood that invites.

  • The world order thrives on identifying and hating enemies ; Jesus values loving even our enemies and doing good to those who hate us.

  • The world order tramples on people to get things; Jesus used things to care for people.

  • The world order insists that “greed is good”[7] and plays favorites with the rich; Jesus insisted that the love of money was a trap for our souls, and there should be no favorites in the Kingdom of God.

  • The world order admires the Alpha with arrogant pride; Jesus values humility and honest self-reflection.

  • The world order controls through fear and manipulation; Jesus compels with hope and invitation.

  • The world order values luxury and indulgence; Jesus values generosity and self-control.

  • The world order admires those who take what they want; Jesus values those who give to others who are in need, and who look out for others who are in want.

  • The world order exploits and belittles others to get to the top; Jesus said it would be the meek who inherit the kingdom of God.

  • The world order dismisses “the least of these”; Jesus placed a premium on their worth.

Jesus was here to save the world, but not the world order. He was there for the people in the Empire, not to prop up the Empire’s culture. He was there to upend the order of the world (in Rome and the Romanized Sadducees) and redeem both the sin of the people of the world and the sinful ideals embedded in the systems of the world.

How did He go about doing this?  By changing individuals who then permeated their communities and their cities. It was not a top-down authoritarian coercion; it was a grass roots spread of the Kingdom of God sabotaging the Empire of Rome, one individual at a time, one changed heart at a time, one soul transformation at a time. If we go back to the previous list, that means the church was intended to be a community characterized by:

  • Displaying servanthood

  • Loving everyone, even our enemies.

  • Using the things we have to care for people.

  • Not playing favorites based on, well, anything.

  • Valuing humility, generosity and self-control

  • Offering hope

  • Looking out for those who are in want.

  • ·Living with meekness (controlled strength) and kindness

  • Placing a premium on everyone’s – everyone’s! - worth

The Empire agenda is threatened by that kind of counter-cultural community; I don’t think our average neighbor hates that. Thousands of people were drawn to Jesus. The Jewish communities most vilified sinners were drawn to Jesus. When the early church formed this kind of community, it grew like crazy, but I will get to that in a moment.

I am pointing this out because I worry that we can start to think that being hated is a sign that we are following Jesus correctly. In this view, the more people around us dislike us, the more holy we are. If people outside the church actually like us, well, clearly compromise has crept into our witness.

But that just doesn’t match the ministry of Jesus or the early church. Jesus’ detractors called him a “friend of sinners” because the outcast sinners in their communities were drawn to Him. This trend continued when the Holy Spirit filled his followers. Within 70 years, there were around 25,000 in the church. By 300 AD, it was probably around 20 million.[8] Even in the midst of persecution by the Roman government, even Roman and Greek people filled the church. And why not? So many had grown weary of the exploitation, violence, and debasement the Roman World Order had imposed on them. A Jesus-based vision of community looked pretty compelling.

{Hot historical tip, painting with a very broad brush: church history shows us that when those entrenched in the halls of power – the world order - hate us and our neighbors find us compelling, we are probably representing Jesus well. When those entrenched in the halls of power – the world order – love us and our neighbors hate us, we are probably not representing Jesus well.}

I read a book called The Patient Ferment Of The Early Church. I would like to offer some of the great insights from this book about how the early church changed the world.

People who study shifts in religious adherence pay attention to the “push” and the “pull” that are at play in every conversion. What in the existing religious options so dissatisfied some people that it pushed their adherents to explore new options? And then what was it in Christianity that so attracted people, that it pulled them to explore something that might be very costly? 

The early Christians proliferated… because faith embodied was attractive to people who were dissatisfied with their old cultural and religious habits, who felt pushed to explore new possibilities, and who then encountered Christians who embodied a new manner of life that pulled them toward what the Christians called “rebirth” into a new life. 

Christians, said Cyprian (210 - 258), are to be visibly distinctive. They are to live their faith and communicate it in deeds [to] demonstrate the character of God to the world. “No occasion should be given to the pagans to censure us deservedly and justly… It profits nothing to show forth virtue in words and destroy truth in deeds.” 

According to Clement (35-100), ‘When the Christians talked about loving your enemies, their neighbors had been interested. But when they found that the Christians didn’t do what they said, they dismissed Christianity as “a myth and a delusion.’ From Clement’s perspective, Christians had to embody the message if the churches were to grow.

Justin the Martyr (100-165) noted that his community doesn’t consider people true Christians if they simply quote Christ’s teachings but don’t live them. Jesus himself had insisted on this (Matthew 7:21). Further, Justin believes that the effectiveness of Christian witness depends on the integrity of the believers’ lifestyles.

As an example, Justin points to the area of business. “Many who were once on [Rome’s] side . . . have turned from the ways of violence and tyranny, overcome by observing the consistent lives of their [Christian] neighbors, or noting the strange patience of their injured acquaintances, or experiencing the way they did business with them.”

Christians behaved in ways that their pagan contemporaries found intriguing. In fact, some pagans found the Christians’ behavior unsettling enough to convert to Christianity.

Tertullian (155-220) admonished his readers: “If one tries to provoke you to a fight, there is at hand the admonition of the Lord:  ‘If someone strike [you] . . . on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ [And if someone] burst out in cursing or wrangling, recall the saying: ‘When men reproach you, rejoice.’

 Let wrong-doing grow weary from your patience. It attracts the heathen, recommends the slave to his master, the master to God. It adorns a woman, perfects a man. It is loved in a child, praised in a youth, esteemed in the aged. In both man and woman, at every age of life, it is exceedingly attractive.”

Tertullian indicates that…the Christian family was not defined by the vertical values of the wider society; it was horizontal in its solidarity, making all its members brother and sisters…The community’s worship was designed to empower all members and to give them a sense of their worth that expressed itself in courageous living and bold testimony.

But what the outsiders saw was not their worship. It was their [habits]. And they said, “Look! How they love one another.” They did not say, “Listen to the Christians’ message”; they did not say, “Read what they write.”

Hearing and reading were important, and some early Christians worked to communicate in these ways too. But we must not miss the reality: the pagans said look! Christianity’s truth was visible; it was embodied and enacted by its members. It was made tangible, sacramental.

The Christians were socially active: they had intensive, embodied forms of care for members and others. The believers, whose dress was often simple and unostentatious, did not immediately reveal their identity to passersby, but their identity could emerge as relationships developed. Sometimes this came as a surprise: “‘A good man,’ they say, ‘only that he is a Christian.’

Scholars have seen the church’s growth as coming about through something modest: “casual contact.” In all relationships, “affective bonds” were formed. The most reliable means of communicating the attractiveness of the faith to others and enticing them to investigate things further was the Christians’ character, bearing, and behavior.

Writing in the 180s, the Roman Celsus noted with distaste that Christians formed groups to which they attracted… “the most illiterate and bucolic yokels.” To him these were people of no account, who in a hierarchical world knew that they were the dregs of society and that they had no views worth expressing or being listened to.

But care for these very people, especially the poor, was another area in which the Christian communities had habits... Outsiders looked at this and were impressed. According to Henry Chadwick, “The practical application of charity was probably the most potent single cause of Christian success.”

In 305 during the Great Persecution, in Cirta in North Africa, imperial officials raided a house church and (conveniently for our purposes) compiled a list of its possessions. On this list the examiners found, along with chalices, candleholders, and other liturgical equipment, a stock of clothing.

The church had what was evidently a clothes store, to which members contributed clothing that other members could claim when they needed it. The clothing included “eighty-two women’s tunics . . . , sixteen men’s tunics, thirteen pairs of men’s shoes, forty-seven pairs of women’s shoes.”

The Didache[9] notes, “bless those who curse you, and pray for your enemies,” and goes on to present other ways that the Christian habits differs from “the way the heathen act.”  “Do not hesitate to give and do not give with a bad grace. . . .

Do not turn your back on the needy, but share everything with your brother and call nothing your own. For if you have what is eternal in common, how much more should you have what is transient!” More surprisingly, they loved their enemies: “They comfort such as wrong them, and make friends of them; they labor to do good to their enemies.”

The Didache did not discuss how the life of the community impacted the world or attracted new members, possibly because such discussion seemed unnecessary; the habits of the community were attracting as many people to its life as the community’s catechetical formation could cope with.

Then, there is a sobering turn.

In the 240s in Caesarea in Palestine, as Origen prepared catechumens for baptism he struggled against the unfaithful behavior of the faithful. ‘The Christians’ public behavior belied their convictions: they “agitate the forum with lawsuits and weary [their] neighbors with altercations. They are completely disgusting in their actions and habit of life, wrapped up with vices and not wholly ‘putting away the old self with its actions.

[The people] come to church and bow their head to the priests, exhibit courtesy, honor the servants of God, even bring something for the decoration of the altar or church—yet they exhibit no inclination to also improve their habits, correct impulses, lay aside faults, cultivate purity, soften the violence of wrath, restrain avarice, curb greed.”

According to Clement, when the Christians talked about loving your enemies, their neighbors had been interested. But when they found that the Christians didn’t do what they said, they dismissed Christianity as “a myth and a delusion.” From Clement’s perspective, Christians had to embody the message if the churches were to grow.

By the early fifth century the problem had become so acute that some theologians updated the church’s theology of witness so that they no longer emphasized the Christians’ exemplary behavior.”

* * * * *

There came a point in church history – after Constantine legalized Christianity and intertwined it with the Roman agenda – theologians in the Western church specifically changed the discussion about what it mean to be a faithful follower of Jesus by moving the focus of what it meant to be a good witness away from the witness of an integrated, holy life and moved it into the realm of thoughts and beliefs as the most important marker. In other words, for 350 years, orthodoxy (right belief) was being clarified, but orthopraxy (right action) was the exhibition of faith and the witness to the world – until Christian leaders began moving the orthopraxy markers so Hellenized Christians could more comfortably support Rome’s agenda and fit into Roman culture. 

When we live like Jesus and his first followers, we will feel dangerous to those who control Empire culture. Peace, love, humility, servanthood, generosity, patience, kindness, self-control, repentance, forgiveness – this is not the fuel of Empires. Valuing every person as an image bearer of God worthy of dignity, justice and mercy – that’s not a value of Empires. We ought to expect as Christians to always live in an uneasy tension with the halls of power in our nations.

But our neighbors? It ought to be good news to all those beat up by the values of the Empire’s world order when Christians move into the neighborhood. “Finally! Someone who loves us!” And it is from these good deeds, Jesus said, that they will glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)


[1] Jewish teachers recognized that knowing the truth increased one’s moral responsibility.

[2] Psalms 35:19; 69:4

[3] Without the protection of being recognized as part of the Jewish community, believers could lose their Roman worship exemption and be charged with disloyalty to the state. (Rev 2:1313:15).

[4]Because they have not known the Father — John 15:25John 15:25Ignorance of the benevolence of GOD, and of the philanthropy of CHRIST, is the grand fountain whence all religious persecution and intolerance proceed.” Adam Clarke

[5] “Vindicate me, my God, and plead my cause against an unfaithful nation. Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked.” (Psalm 43:1)

[6] I don’t mean like a deep state New World Order. This is more like “the course of the world” in Ephesians 2.

[7] To quote Michael Douglas’s infamous line from Wall Street.

[8] I have seen very different statistics on this. Hopefully this represents the middle ground.

[9] An early church document compiled over years that reveals church teaching and practice.

Harmony #20: Salt & Light (Matthew 5:13-16; Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16, 14:34-35)

Let’s talk about salt.

  • Salt has been used in many cultures as money. The word salary comes from “salt-money,” a Roman soldier’s allowance for the purchase of salt. People who earn their pay are “worth their salt.”

  • In the times in which the Bible was written (and in that part of the world), businessmen would mingle the salt from their salt purses as a way of showing that agreements could not be undone anymore than they could take back their own salt from the other. Then they would eat salt together in front of witnesses to seal the deal.

  • Salt is mentioned in reference to covenants in several ancient Near Eastern sources, likely because “its preservative qualities made it the ideal symbol of the durability of a covenant.”[1]

We see in the Old Testament several examples of what’s called the Covenant of Salt:[2]

  • The Old Testament Law commands the use of salt in grain offerings for the “salt of the covenant” (Leviticus 2:13). “You shall season your every offering of meal with salt; you shall not omit from your meal offering the salt of your covenant with God; with all your offerings you must offer salt.” (Lev. 2:13)

  • God promised to provide for the priests them through the sacrifices the people made: Whatever is set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord I give to you and your sons and daughters as your perpetual share. It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord for both you and your offspring.” (Numbers 18:19)

  • King Abijah’s speech in 2 Chronicles 13:5 mentions it: “Don’t you know that the LORD, the God of Israel, has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt?”[3] According to the New Oxford Annotated Bible, "of salt" most likely means that the covenant is "a perpetual covenant, because of the use of salt as a preservative."

But the salt used back then had impurities in ways the salt we use now does not. When exposed to the elements, it would eventually lose its saltiness. It was not uncommon for it to be used like gravel on the roads, or for the priests to spread it on temple steps so people wouldn’t slip. [4]

This brings us to the next thing Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount. Remember, he has just finished the Beatitudes. He has described what people are like when they live in the Kingdom of God as dedicated disciples.

 “You are the salt of the earth. Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again or its flavor be restored?[5] It is no longer good for anything. It is of no value for the soil or for the manure pile; it is to be thrown out and be trampled on by people.”

Jesus compares a disciple who lives out the values of the Kingdom to salt that effectively does what salt is meant to do: preserve and protect. On the other hand, disciples who do not live out the values of the kingdom are like salt that cannot fulfill its purpose.

Jesus, in the next breath, gives another analogy that I think is supposed to make the same point.  He calls Christians the light of the world.[6]

 “You are the light of the world.[7] A city located on a hill[8] cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a basket or jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand so that those who come in can see the light. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven.”

Just like salt, light is created for a purpose. Disciples who represent the values of the Kingdom shine in the darkness as God intends; those who do no represent the values of the Kingdom do not fulfill their purpose as God intends.[9]

* * * * *


“The question "How can salt be made salty again?" is a rhetorical question. It can’t. Just based on the context, I don't think Jesus was trying to make a point here about whether or not people could lose their salvation. He’s talking about being who God intends us to be.

“If Jesus' disciples are to act as a preservative in the world by conforming to kingdom norms, they can discharge this function only by retaining their own virtue.” (Expositor’s Bible Commentary) 

We see the virtue/integrity expressed in the light analogy: the light we shine is the works we dothat flow from our saltiness, which in turn glorify the God who makes that kind of  holy life transformation possible.  

It is not sufficient to have light - we must walk in the light, and by the light. Our whole conduct should be a perpetual comment on the doctrine we have received, and a constant exemplification of its power and truth. (Adam Clarke)[10] 

In other words, Kingdom values expressed in the lives of kingdom people produce kingdomwitness.

I have been reading a book called The Patient Ferment of the Early Church: The Improbable Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire, by Alan Kreider.[11] In it, he stresses how the faithful, presence of the church in the first few centuries preached the gospel and made disciples. It’s a book about the importance of being salt and light, followed by practical examples of what it looked like when the church first started.

First, the importance of being salt and light. The early church leaders wrote extensively on behavior because of their Christian conviction that the way people live expresses what they really believe.

  • Justin Martyr (100-165) notes that the effectiveness of Christian witness depends on the integrity of the believers’ lifestyles. In the business world, “Many have turned from the ways of violence and tyranny, overcome by observing the consistent lives of their [Christian] neighbors.”

  • Origen (185-253) stated that Christ “makes his defense in the lives of his genuine disciples, for their lives cry out the real facts.”

  • Cyprian (210-258) said that when Christians make their virtue visible and active, they demonstrate the character of God to the world.[12] “No occasion should be given to the pagans to censure us deservedly and justly… It profits nothing to show forth virtue in words and destroy truth in deeds.”

So, the overwhelming agreement was that Christian saltiness had to do with consistent virtue and the display of Christ-like character. This would not only be seen obviously in ones lifestyle; it would be profoundly compelling, more so than just the words that explain the Christian faith and its transformative power. 

However, when this words/deeds consistency wasn’t present, the salt would lose its saltiness, and the light would dim.

  • A writing attributed to Clement (95-140) noted that when  Christians talked about loving their enemies, their neighbors had been interested. When they found that the Christians didn’t do what they said, they dismissed Christianity as “a myth and a delusion.”

  • In the 240s, Origen wrote of Christians who were “completely disgusting in their actions and habit of life, wrapped up with vices and not wholly ‘putting away the old self with its actions.”

  •  “By the early fifth century the problem had become so acute that some theologians updated the church’s theology of witness so that they no longer emphasized the Christians’ exemplary behavior.” (Alan Kreider)

That’s…sobering. Rather than addressing the importance of a redeemed lifestyle as a crucial part of the Christian witness, they just stopped talking about it. It was easier to develop an intellectual theology to think about rather than an incarnational theology to embody. It’s a lot easier to think about a cross than to take it up.

And yet many Christians did, in fact, commit themselves to this. And from the record that survives, the church in the first few centuries put a lot of thought into what it looked like to be effectively salty and shiny.

 What did this look like practically? How did the early church assume the first Christians would live their beliefs in a way consistent with the teaching of Jesus such that their very lives pointed toward Jesus?

I have been a bit haunted by this, so I want to pull you into this with me J I have quite a few examples. My sense is that, even though the early church wasn’t perfect and didn’t get everything right, there is a foundational application here from which we could learn much.

  • Polycarp (69-155) thought that it was the Christian behavior as martyrs, not the words they might speak, that would convey the Christian faith to the watching world.

  • Epistle to Diognetus (130): “Do you not see how they are thrown to wild animals to make them deny the Lord, and how they are not vanquished? Do you not see that the more of them are punished, the more do others increase?”

  • Justin Martyr (100-165): "We formerly rejoiced in uncleanness of life, but now love only chastity; before we used the magic arts, but now dedicate ourselves to the true and unbegotten God; before we loved money and possessions more than anything, but now we share what we have and to everyone who is in need; before we hated one another and killed one another and would not eat with those of another race, but now since the manifestation of Christ, we have come to a common life and pray for our enemies and try to win over those who hate us without just cause."

  • Justin Martyr (100-165): “We who were filled with war, and mutual slaughter, and every wickedness, have each through the whole earth changed our warlike weapons…and we cultivate piety, righteousness, philanthropy, faith, and hope, which we have from the Father Himself through Him who was crucified.”[13]

  • Justin Martyr’s Apology noted that Christians share economically and care for the poor and the sick, widows and orphans; they engage in business with truthfulness and without usury; they are a community of contentment and sexual restraint; and they behave with love toward people of different tribes and customs.

  • 1 Clement (130-140) gives a description of Corinth. “You were all lowly in mind, free from vainglory, yielding rather than claiming submission from others, more ready to give than to take. “

  • 1 Clement (130-140) “Day and night you agonized for all the brotherhood, that by means of compassion and care the number of God’s elect might be saved. You were sincere, guileless, and void of malice among yourselves…You lamented the transgressions of your neighbors and judged their shortcomings to be your own. You never rued an act of kindness, but were ready for every good work.” [14]

  • Athenagoras (170):  “For we have been taught not to strike back at someone who beats us nor to go to court with those who rob and plunder us. Not only that: we have even been taught to turn our head and offer the other side when men ill use us and strike us on the jaw and to give also our cloak should they snatch our tunic.”

  • Tertullian (204): “If one tries to provoke you to a fight, there is at hand the admonition of the Lord:  ‘If someone strike you . . . on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ And if someone burst out in cursing or wrangling, recall the saying: ‘When men reproach you, rejoice… Let wrong-doing grow weary from your patience.”

  • “The practical application of charity was probably the most potent single cause of Christian success.” (Henry Chadwick, quoted in the book). By the year 250, the church was feeding more than 1500 of the hungry and destitute in Rome every day.[15]

  • Historian Rodney Stark points out that women were attracted to the churches because of the greater fidelity of Christian husbands and the church’s rejection of killing (abortion and infanticide).

  • The Didache (1st and 2nd century): “Do not hesitate to give and do not give with a bad grace. . . . Do not turn your back on the needy, but share everything with your brother and call nothing your own. For if you have what is eternal in common, how much more should you have what is transient!”

  • Lactantius (250-325): “We . . . make no demand that our God be worshipped by anyone unwillingly, and we do not get cross if he is not worshipped. We are confident of his supreme power.”[16]

  • Lactantius (250-325): “There is no need for violence and brutality; worship cannot be forced; it is something to be achieved by talk rather than blows, so that there is free will in it… we teach, we show, we demonstrate… Religion must be defended not by killing but by dying, not by violence but by patience.”

  • The emperor Julian The Apostate (300s) complained that Christianity, “has been specially advanced through the loving service rendered to strangers… It is a scandal that there is not a single Jew who is a beggar and that the [Christians] care not only for their own poor but for ours as well."

If there is a challenge here, it’s wrestling with the question of whether or not what characterized the early church characterizes the modern church. Our culture is different, so there will be, at times, different expressions of similar principle.  But there will also be plenty of times when there are similar expressions of similar principles. I wonder, if members of the early church were to visit, how they would think we are doing in our theology of witness? Would we be found salty?

If I have an encouragement, it’s this: being a faithful presence matters, even in the most ordinary of moments. The church exploded during this time period not because there were rock star preachers or singers, not because there were events in stadiums or social media campaigns, not because they had advocates in the Roman halls of power. It exploded because ordinary people who said they loved God and others lived like they loved God and others.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, this is within the grasp of all of us.


[1] Jacob Milgrom, Leviticus 1-16, 191, Jewish Theological Seminary

[2] Thanks to gotquestions.org for providing a handy list of these passages all in one place J

[3] The Metzudat David commentary of David Altschuler explains the phrase “covenant of salt”:“The establishment of the enduring covenant [with David’s house] is like salt, in that it endures and does not rot.” (Jewish Theological Seminary)

[4] I’m not sure where I found this anecdote, but here it is: “When asked what to do with unsalty salt, a rabbi once advised, “Salt it with the afterbirth of a mule.” Mules are sterile and thus lack afterbirth; his point was that the question was stupid. If salt lost its saltiness, what would it be useful for?”

[5] “Strictly speaking salt cannot lose its saltiness; sodium chloride is a stable compound. But most salt in the ancient world derived from salt marshes rather than by evaporation of salt water, and thus contained many impurities. The actual salt, being more soluble than the impurities, could be leached out, leaving a residue so dilute it was of little worth.” (Expositor’s Bible Commentary)

[6] He also spoke of Himself as “the light of the world,” (John 8:1212:353646) so think of Jesus as the source of light and followers of Jesus as reflections of that light. 

[7] Per Adam Clarke, light of the world, נר עולם ner olam was a title applied to the most eminent rabbis. Jesus gives it to his followers. You don’t have be a highly trained theologian of Christianity to be salt and light. Being a true disciple is sufficient J

[8] “‘A few points toward the north (of Tabor) appears that which they call the Mount of Beatitudes, a small rising, from which our blessed Saviour delivered his sermon in the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of Matthew. (Matthew 5:5.) Not far from this little hill is the city Saphet, supposed to be the ancient Bethulia. It stands upon a very eminent and conspicuous mountain, and is SEEN FAR and NEAR. May we not suppose that Christ alludes to this city, in these words.’” (Adam Clarke)

[9] “If salt (v.13) exercises the negative function of delaying decay and warns disciples of the danger of compromise and conformity to the world, then light (vv.14-16) speaks positively of illuminating a sin-darkened world.” (Expositor’s Bible Commentary)

[10] “The emphasis is on the ministry of Christian character. The winsomeness of lives in which Christ is seen speaks louder than the persuasion of words.” (Believer’s Bible Commentary)

[11] The information that follows is mostly from his book. There are few direct quotes, but many indirect quotes.

[12] Lactantius (250–325) wrote, “People prefer example before talk, because talk is easy and example is hard. This is why God chose to send not disembodied words from heaven but an incarnate Son in a mortal body.”

[13] According to Origen, refusing to participate in “the taking of human life in any form at all” was a basic Christian commitment; it was a product of the Christians’ patience, their refusal to retaliate, and their understanding of the way and teaching of Jesus. On this matter other writers—Tertullian, Athenagoras, Minucius Felix, and Lactantius—agreed with Origen.

[14] Quote found in The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, Adolf Harnack.  

[15] https://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1-300/the-spread-of-the-early-church-11629561.html

[16] Christian identity emerged as relationships developed. “Casual contact” was the most common means of communicating the attractiveness of the faith to others and enticing them to investigate things further because of the Christians’ character, bearing, and behavior. Around 200, Tertullian, in Carthage, was concerned that members of his house church would “worship too vociferously,” bothering the inhabitants of neighboring apartments in what was evidently a large apartment building. It was not Christian worship that attracted outsiders; it was Christians who attracted them. Outsiders found the Christians attractive because of their Christian lives, which catechesis and worship had formed. (The Patient Ferment of the Early Church)

Harmony #3: “Come And See” (John 1:35-51)

The next day John was standing there with two of his disciples. Gazing at Jesus as he walked by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When John’s two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Jesus turned around and saw them following and said to them, “What do you want?”

So they said to him, “Rabbi” (which is translated Teacher), “Where are you staying?” Jesus answered, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. Now it was about four o’clock in the afternoon.

Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two disciples who heard what John said and followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is translated Christ). Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, the son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which is translated Peter).

On the next day Jesus wanted to set out for Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” (Now Philip was from Bethsaida , the town of Andrew and Peter.) Philip found Nathanael (Bartholemew?) and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the law, and the prophets also wrote about—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

Nathanael replied, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip replied, “Come and see.” Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and exclaimed, “Look, a true Israelite in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael asked him, “How do you know me?” Jesus replied, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”

Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel!” Jesus said to him, “Because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” He continued, “I tell all of you the solemn truth—you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Come and See

If you’ve ever had someone try to explain a new game to you, eventually they probably say something like this, “Let’s just start to play. It will make sense once we get started.” And sure enough – often, it starts to click when you actually begin to experience what before had just been theoretical.

I’ve discovered it’s one thing to know about a sport and another thing to know a sport. I know basketball because I have tasted and seen that basketball is good. I know about football, but I don’t know football. I know about pickleball, but I don’t know pickleball. And all of you pickleball fans are like, “Come and see. Play it once, and you’ll know why we show up places at the crack of dawn.”

That’s the idea, I think. Jesus says to those looking and wondering, “Come and see.” Then that becomes the approach they pass on to others. There is a reason for this.

  • If you just see Jesus but don’t draw closer, it will be just head knowledge and not heart investment.

  • If you just draw closer but don’t actually want to see Jesus clearly, you may well invest your heart - but in false image of Jesus.

“Come and see” is a call to learn and know who Jesus is , as well as what it means to follow him. “Taste and see,” said the Psalmist, “that the Lord is good.”

A couple truths follow from this.

Following Jesus means not following …not Jesus.

Brilliant insight, I know, but we have to leave one thing to go to another thing. Have you seen those videos where two people are with a dog, and they suddenly sprint in opposite directions to see which one the dog follows? Eventually the dog always chooses one.

That’s the idea here. You can’t serve God and ____________. The Bible uses language of loving and imagery of clinging to describe what it’s like to attach ourselves to God. You can’t love/cling to God and something else. We are called to be ‘all in’ for Jesus. This reminds of marriage language – the ‘leaving’ a family and ‘cleaving’ or clinging to the spouse. You have to leave one to cling to the other – and that’s an exclusive kind of clinging. It’s different from all our other attachments.

Jesus specifically highlighted one particular thing we can’t love along with God: mammon/money/material things. But he also uses language of things we love vs. things we hate as a way of saying (as his audience would have understood) that loyalty demands preferential allegiance in all areas of life. At the end of the day, when our loyalty options sprint in different directions, we can’t choose both. Our loyalty will be revealed by that to which we give preferential allegiance in terms of time, money, study, emotional investment, formative influence, etc. We can’t share preferential allegiance with God and….

  • Money. Clinton’s “It’s the economy, stupid” was both a winning political insight and a sad reflection of human motivation.

  • Family. If it’s Jesus vs. family pressure, it’s got to be Jesus.

  • Friends. Who will you follow when there is a fork in the road of righteousness vs. unrighteousness?

  • Vocation. If your work makes you compromise your faith, your choice has already been made.

  • Culture. All cultures have beastly values motivated by a dragon.

  • Politics. There will always be sketchy things at odds with the Kingdom and the King we serve.

  • Organizations. Denominations and conventions do not deserve allegiance. The SBC is making this abundantly clear right now, though picking on them alone would be timely but unfair.

There will be something or someone that we treat as ultimate, and God has made it clear that He has no interest in sharing that space with other things. When it comes to our primary, life-orienting allegiance, Jesus demands exclusivity.

Seeing Jesus means looking away from…not Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8)

This word translated as “fill” here comes from logízomai:

  • the root of the English terms "logic, logical"

  • properly, compute, "take into account"

  • reckon (come to a "bottom-line")

  • reason to a logical conclusion (decision).

The things Paul listed are supposed to be the thing on which we build a firm foundations that properly organizes how we conclude we ought to live in the Kingdom of God. In order for that to happen, the virtuous things in the list need to carry the weight of our spiritual, mental and emotional formation.

It’s worth noting that Paul – who wrote that verse – was clearly versed in Greek and Roman culture and entertainment. We have no idea how much of it he was forced to be aware of and how much of it he freely chose. We just know he wasn’t isolated from his culture. The early church records show that Christians used Greek and Roman stories (like Aesop) as part of the training for their kids. So this isn’t necessarily building a wall between us and culture, but when there aren’t walls, we sure need to talk about fences.

It’s so hard, in a world that demands our attention constantly, to keep our focus on Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith, to make sure He is the one who gets the first and last word in anything that is meaningfully formative in our lives. I think the first fence we must build is an awareness that culture has its own list of “whatsoevers” with which it wants to fill us: “Whatsoever things are…

  • Mammon (money and things = the good life)

  • Sexy (value wrapped up in being physically desirable)

  • Scandalous (love of gossip)

  • Self-expressive (I can do/be/say what I want all the time everywhere)

  • Adrenaline-building (the good life must always be exciting!)

  • Anger-inducing (cancel culture, for example, thrives on the next outrage)

  • Performance-based (we earn our value; so do others)

  • Fear-mongering (Chicken Little Syndrome - “Life as we know it/our culture/our world is going to END if we don’t deal with…”)

  • Reputation protecting (coverups, dishonesty, gaslighting to save reputation and power)

…think on these things.”

But we don’t have to go straight to culture to deal with these issues. Do you remember when Jesus told the Pharisees they were making disciples of hell? The Pharisees, who tried so hard to get every last detail right? The Pharisees, who missed the mark so badly that Jesus told them they were actually accomplishing the exact opposite of what they thought they were?

Can we be honest? People haven’t changed over time. You bet the Romans had issues – but the Pharisees were throwing stones from a glass house. We have to be careful. Church culture can have its own list of “whatsoevers” on which it causes follower of Jesus to dwell that can also lead away from Jesus: “Whatsoever things are…

  • Luxurious (prosperity gospel: wealth = God’s blessing/approval)

  • AMAZING (only extraordinary people and events have an impact)

  • Flashy (the spectacular vs. acts of service to build the kingdom)

  • Performance-based (downplaying grace – and the gift of rest)

  • Adrenaline-building (our faith is only alive when we feel all the feels!)

  • Anger-inducing (“Can you call down fire on the Samaritans?” )

  • Fear-mongering (Chicken Little Syndrome - - “Life as we know it/our culture/our world/the church is going to END if we don’t deal with THAT!”)

  • Reputation-protecting (coverups, dishonesty, gaslighting to save reputation and power)

…think on these things.”

Can we chat about the state of the church in the United States? I am not picking on us, by the way. I am feeling this because of recent headlines about things happening in the American church, and we are part of that broader community, so….

When Jesus invited people to come and see him, the moment he got disciples, the folks were going to see the disciples too. Hanging out with Jesus included hanging out with the people who followed Jesus.

When people “come and see” Jesus, what will they see in the followers of Jesus, in the family they are now supposed to enter and in which they are intended to flourish? Does it look like a new kind of Kingdom with a glorious King, or does it remind them of the Empire which they just left?

The Southern Baptist Convention made headlines this week because of decades of responding badly to abuse within the circle of SBC churches as well as in leadership. By “badly,” I mean 700+ leaders guilty of moral and legal crimes, and the SBC as an organization shaming victims, covering it up, not reporting crimes, moving perpetrators on to new congregations.

Now, those on the outside looking in are saying, “Come and see? No thanks. I see Jesus, and I like Jesus, but I also see the people of Jesus, and I’d like to keep my distance.”

Many on the inside are saying roughly the same thing. Russell Moore, who was President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2013 to 2021 and currently works for Christianity Today:

“If people reject the church because they reject Jesus and the gospel, we should be saddened but not surprised. But what happens when people reject the church because they think we reject Jesus and the gospel? People have always left the church because they want to gratify the flesh, but what happens when people leave because they believe the church exists to gratify the flesh – in orgies of sex or anger or materialism?

That’s a far different problem. What if people don’t leave the church because they disapprove of Jesus, but because they’ve read the Bible and have come to the conclusion that the church itself would disapprove of Jesus? That’s a crisis… What they are really asking is about integrity – about whether all of this holds together.

Challenging an evangelical movement about conduct that is “not in step with the truth of the gospel” (Gal. 2:14 ESV) often prompts a charge of fostering disunity…Yet unity is not silence before injustice, or the hoarding of temporal influence, but a concern for the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church – provided that the scandal they encounter is the scandal of the cross rather than the scandal of us.”

We may say it’s not fair – we were supposed to see Jesus, not the flawed follower of Jesus. But we are ambassadors; we are “the hands and feet of Jesus,” a phrase full of promise – and peril. “We are the only Bible some people will ever read,” is a great motto when things are going well and a damning indictment when they are not.

So is there anything we can do so that when anyone in the church or outside of the church is here to see Jesus, we help to clarify their vision rather than cloud it? Yes.

I just bought a book by Alan Kreider called The Patient Ferment of the Early Church: The Improbable Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. He’s looking at the first few centuries of the church and asking how it grew so, well, improbably? Here’s a summary of a much more complex answer:

“The Christians’ focus was not on “saving” people or recruiting them; it was on living faithfully—in the belief that when people’s lives are rehabituated in the way of Jesus, others will want to join them.”

I don’t think he means to say they didn’t spread the good news of Jesus. I think he is just stressing that the first Christians understood that living was witnessing, and that inconsistent living would drown out even the most passionate words. When we become someone new in Christ - and then live as someone new in Christ - there is something really compelling about the Kingdom community – and thus the King. And this is, indeed, what happened in the early church. From the Epistle to Diognetus which was written in 130 A.D, concerning followers of Jesus:

They dwell in their own countries, but simply as sojourners. As citizens, they share in all things with others and yet endure all things as if foreigners. Every foreign land is to them as their native country, and every land of their birth as a land of strangers. They marry, as do all others; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring.

They have a common table, but not a common bed. They are in the flesh, but they do not live after the flesh. They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men and are persecuted by all. They are unknown and condemned; they are put to death and restored to life.

They are poor yet make many rich; they are in lack of all things and yet abound in all; they are dishonored and yet in their very dishonor are glorified. They are evil spoken of and yet are justified; they are reviled and bless; they are insulted and repay the insult with honor; they do good yet are punished as evildoers.

When punished, they rejoice as if quickened into life; they are assailed by the Jews as foreigners and are persecuted by the Greeks; yet those who hate them are unable to assign any reason for their hatred. To sum it all up in one word -- what the soul is to the body, that are Christians in the world.

Tertullian, a North African scholar who lived from around AD 160-225:

"We are a body knit together as such by a common religious profession, by unity of discipline, and by the bond of a common hope. We meet together as an assembly and congregation, that, offering up prayer to God as with united force, we may wrestle with Him in our supplications. This strong exertion God delights in.

We pray, too, for the emperors, for their ministers and for all in authority, for the welfare of the world, for the prevalence of peace, for the delay of the [return of Jesus]. We assemble to read our sacred writings . . . and with the sacred words we nourish our faith, we animate our hope, we make our confidence more steadfast; and no less by inculcations of God’s precepts we confirm good habits….

On the monthly day, if he likes, each puts in a small donation; but only if it be his pleasure, and only if he be able: for there is no compulsion; all is voluntary. These gifts are . . . not spent on feasts, and drinking-bouts, and eating-houses, but to support and bury poor people, to supply the wants of boys and girls destitute of means and parents, and of old persons confined now to the house;such, too, as have suffered shipwreck; and if there happen to be any in the mines or banished to the islands or shut up in the prisons, for nothing but their fidelity to the cause of God's Church, they become the nurslings of their confession. But it is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand upon us.

See, they say, how they love one another, for they themselves are animated by mutual hatred. See, they say about us, how they are ready even to die for one another, for they themselves would sooner kill."

In 256 Cyprian wrote this to his his people:

“Beloved brethren,[we] are philosophers not in words but in deeds; we exhibit our wisdom not by our dress, but by truth; we know virtues by their practice rather than through boasting of them; we do not speak great things but we live them… It [is] not at all remarkable if we cherish only our own brethren with a proper observance of love.” Instead, Christians should do “more than the publican or the pagan.” They should exercise “a divine-like clemency, loving even their enemies . . . and praying for the salvation of their persecutors.”

Alan Kredier imagines Cyprian warming to his point in this way:

“You Christians, you are my people and flock, you know the mercy of God, and you demonstrate this by providing visits, bread, and water for other believers who are suffering. I praise God for your faithfulness. Now I am calling you to broaden your view, to exercise ‘a divine-like clemency’ by loving your pagan neighbors.

Visit them, too; encourage them; provide bread and water for them. I know that in recent months some pagans have been involved in persecuting you. Pray for them; ‘pray for their salvation,’ and help them. You are God’s children: the descendants of a good Father should ‘prove the imitation of his goodness.’”


I posted this in the wrong format. Here are footnotes that went with the original.

“Come … and you will see,” he replies. This language is consciously designed to describe discipleship: to “follow” (Gk. akoulotheo), to “come and see,” and to “stay, remain” (Gk. meno) each describe aspects of discipleship. (NIV Application Commentary)

Andrew is constantly bringing someone to Jesus (John 6:812:22).

“Cephas” is Aramaic, and “Peter” Greek, for “rock.” Nicknames were common, especially to distinguish various persons with the same name (such as Simon; cf. Mark 3:16–18), although adding the father’s name (“child of”) could serve the same purpose (for Simon’s father, cf. also Matt. 16:17John 21:15–17). Rabbis sometimes gave characterizing nicknames to their disciples (m. Avot 2:8). In the Old Testament, God often changed names to describe some new characteristic of a person (Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Joshua; as a negative declaration see Jer. 20:3). For this naming, cf. also Mark 3:16; esp. Matt. 16:17–18. (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary On The New Testament) “Neither Petros in Greek nor Kephas in Aramaic are usual names but are actually nicknames (like the American “Rocky”), which often point to some feature of a person’s character.” (NIV Application Commentary)

 Nathanael is not listed among the apostles; in all three Synoptic stories Batholomew is listed with Philip (Matt. 10:3). But Jesus had other disciples  (Luke 10) who worked with the Twelve; Nathanael may have been one of them. (NIV Application Commentary)

The joke on Galilee started in the time of Solomon. From 1 Kings 9: 10-13 (keep in mind that Galilee and Nazareth are in the land of Cabul): “Now at the end of the twenty years…King Solomon gave twenty towns in the land of Galilee to Hiram king of Tyre… so Hiram went out from Tyre to inspect the towns that Solomon had given him, but he was not pleased with them. “What are these towns you have given me, my brother?” asked Hiram, and he called them the Land of Cabul, as they are called to this day.” Also, this: “By 724 BC, Assyria had captured northern Israel.  In its place, a wave of Gentile immigration repopulated the region, bringing with them a legion of pagan idols and ways of life. ‘The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, Sepharvaim, and settled them in the cities of Samaria [the capital of Northern Israel] in place of the sons of Israel.  So they possessed Samaria and lived in its cities.’  (2 Kings 17:24) For this reason, the region took on the name Galil ha’Goyim (Galilee of the Nations or Galilee of the Gentiles). These Gentiles incorporated Jewish customs into their own pagan practices, developing a range of superstitions and false doctrines.” (“How Can the Messiah Come from Galilee?” https://free.messianicbible.com/feature/can-messiah-come-galilee/

Jesus plays on the Old Testament Jacob, or “Israel,” who was a man of guile (Gen. 27:3531:26); see John 1:51. (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary On The New Testament). In the language here, there is an evident allusion to the ladder that Jacob saw in a dream, and to the angels ascending and descending on it, Genesis 28:12. “What Jacob had dreamt was in Christ realized. “(Expositor’s Greek New Testament)

Psalms 46: “Come and see what the Lord has done, the amazing things he has done on the earth.” Psalm 66:5: “Come and see the works of God; how awesome are His deeds toward mankind.” John 4:29, the Woman at the well: “Come, see a man…”

“Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

That his name was Paulus means, as a Jewish man, he almost certainly had a Roman mentor. It’s one reason he was primed to be the apostle to the Gentiles. He knew Gentiles.

 I’m not picking on CLG. I’m looking at church history, the American church in the headlines, etc.

 “The number of Americans now affiliated with a church is just 47 percent. What’s significant is not just the low number, but also the speed of the plummet – from 69 percent twenty years ago to 47 percent now. And the numbers are even worse than they appear. Generation X is less affiliated than Baby Boomers, Millennials less than Gen-X, and Generation Z looks likely to be even less affiliated than them all… the most reliable studies available show us that as little as 8 percent of White Millennials identify as evangelicals, as compared to 26 percent of senior adults. With Generation Z, the numbers are even more jarring – with 34 percent (and growing) identifying as religiously unaffiliated.” http://www.plough.com/en/topics/faith/witness/integrity-and-the-future-of-the-church