Church In The Time Of The Virus: The Series

Since the beginning of the coronavirus restrictions that closed church services, I’ve been doing a vlog - my attempt to get my thought out and to archive this time with the hopes that we can either look back and see wisdom or look back and see what wasn’t wisdom, and thus gain some. It seems like a win/win.

My focus is what it means to be a faithful presence as a follower of Christ during this time.

I am trying to avoid politics, though it is inevitable that the church sphere bumps into the state sphere at times. That is incidental. I am trying to avoid taking a stance on medical, economic, or constitutional issues, as none of those are my field of expertise. I mean, I have opinions, but frankly most of them are held pretty lightly. The experts themselves are learning as they go, and I don’t hold that against them. It just makes it hard to write a lot of things in stone.

So, how do we represent Christ and the values of His Kingdom? How can we honor God, king, and those around us? How should we understand faith, fear, freedom, rights, responsibilities, love….the list goes on.

What I offer is nowhere close to perfect, but, like the Little Drummer Boy, it’s what I have.


(Episode 1: Introduction)

(Episode 16: