
2020 has remind us that this world is in need of repair. 

 While God will one day wrap up human history and create a new heaven and new earth, the unfolding of human history has always been and will continue to be pretty grim.  Politics is ugly. Destructive viruses are terrible. The last two hurricanes that hit Honduras were just devastating. Wildfires in California were horrible. Persecution of Christians increased around the world by about 6% in 2020. We don’t make the list, of course, but these are our brothers and sisters. Even just in conversations with people, 2020 seems to have been the perfect storm to bring all kinds of stuff to the surface that was often ugly and messy.  

Paul once wrote to the persecuted church in Thessalonica: “Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this." (I Thessalonians 5:18)  I don't particularly like that verse. It's hard. The “whatever happens” part of that verse means, literally, “in every condition, or in every matter,” give thanks.  It's worth noting that Paul does not say, “Feel happy.” He says to give thanks because it is God’s will.

When we talk about thanksgiving, or giving thanks, we are not just talking about an emotion or feeling (though it can be that). I wonder if more often than not thanksgiving is a decision, a perspective, a commitment to finding God in our story, a search for God in every memory.

A very short poem caught my eye a while ago.  After his barn burned down, Japanese poet Masahide wrote, "My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon." That's brilliant. I’ve read other similar perspectives that also go along with Paul's:

“I thank Thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse they did not take my life; third, although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed.” - Matthew Henry, on the night he was robbed.  


“Oh, what a happy soul am I although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this world contented I shall be. How many blessings I enjoy that other people don't. To weep and sigh, because I'm blind? I cannot and I won't.” - blind hymn writer Fanny Crosby

 I want to take Paul seriously. I want to look back over my life and find God in all my memories, good or bad; to find Him in the story of my life, to revisit the places where some kind of barn burned down. I wanted to know if, after the smoke cleared, the moon (or perhaps the Son) would bring even a little light to that dark corner of the world. I just want to be a tougher kind of thankful this year, a thankful that is determined to find God at work in the chapters of my life that I don't want to re-read.  He's there; I just have to find Him.


•       I’m thankful that when a rabid rat chased me across my yard and tried to crawl up my pant leg when I was five years old, my dog killed it. 

•       I’m thankful that when that dog got rabies, my dad put her down, because not every child has a dad who is there to protect them.

•       I’m thankful that when we moved to Oregon when I was eight, I had at least one good friend who stayed close beside me when many of my peers were mean.

•       I am thankful that, because we moved 8 times in 3 states by the time I was 15, I learned how important it is to be kind to strangers in strange lands.

•       I’m thankful that when we raised chickens, that rooster that terrorized me was a tool God used to teach me bravery, at least when it comes to chickens.

•       I’m thankful that, when I cut off my toes in a lawn mower, I did not have to learn how to find my balance all over again.

•       I’m thankful that the pain of leaving my Mennonite heritage reminded me that many good things were present in my heritage in the midst of the imperfections.

•       I’m thankful that when my Dad (and Linda Dittmer) died, they were present with the Lord.

•       I’m thankful that grief makes hope that much sweeter.

•       I’m thankful that overwhelming grief is temporary.

•       I’m thankful that lingering, bittersweet memories remain.

•       I’m thankful that God used the hard times in my and Sheila’s marriage to temper and matured us and deepen our love. I’m thankful that when it happens again, that’s still God’s plan.

•       I’m thankful that those hard times have helped us to understand and grow in grace, mercy, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, and love more deeply than we imagined we would.

•       I’m thankful that my boys’ completely opposite personalities keep me on my toes.

•       I’m thankful that my knee, foot and shoulder surgeries and heart attack forced me to find an identity apart from sports and physical health and remind me daily that this body is only temporary.

•       I’m thankful that my ADD gives me days of brilliance to offset weeks of confusion.

•       I’m thankful that deer are graceful, because at least they are beautiful to watch when I hit them with my truck.

•       I’m thankful that when I forgot to put the plug back in my rowboat the first time Vince and I went fishing this year, only about 5 people, none with cameras, watched us drag said newly launched boat back to shore.

•       I’m thankful that disruptively high water levels in Northern Michigan indicate we are not having a drought.

•       I’m thankful that politics reminds me that God’s Kingdom is not of this world, and inspires me to rely on the sovereignty of God in a world that is so often confusing and disheartening.

•       I’m thankful that when Delynn died, his vision to expand the Kingdom of God did not, and that God’s strength and goodness has been manifest in those who most strongly grieve his loss. 

•       I’m thankful that social distancing and quarantines in COVID have reminded me how valuable face-to-face interaction is. 

•       I’m thankful that masks have made people long for a sight of my face in its entirety, which is unprecedented.

•       I’m thankful that COVID has inspired so many churches to build or improve their online presence, because now that gospel that was preached to one roomful of people is available to the entire world. 

•       I’m thankful that God has used COVID and elections to draw forth prayer from his people, and remind us that He is above all things – thrones, powers, rulers, authorities;  in Him all things hold together; and that in everything he has supremacy.” (Colossians 1:16-18)

•       I’m thankful that this assembly of imperfect and very different people is the means God has chosen to showcase his power to make a ‘new humanity’ bound by love and transformed into the image of Christ; a temple, a community, a family, a home against all odds, by the grace of God, for His glory. 

•       I’m thankful that my weaknesses showcase God’s strength. 

•       I’m thankful that my sin highlights God’s grace.

I’m thankful that even if the world, like that barn, burns down, I can still see the Son.


What are times in your life that were hard, but in hindsight you can see that God was present in ways that bring out thankfulness?

Are there times right now where you are struggling to find a reason to be thankful? Are there ways in which God is making his faithfulness see that are just really hard to see in the midst of pain and frustration?

If you are in a small group, how can those around you pray for you today?