Thanks for navigating to our church website. We encourage you to take a few minutes to browse the pages and to get a feel for “who we are.”
You’ll notice that our byline is
Finding God. Finding His way. Together.
Yes, ‘Together” --- our church places a high value on relationships. And relationships begin with simple connections.
That’s what this web site is about --- helping you connect with us.
So, when you finish browsing why not do some ‘connecting’ yourself?
Drop us a note and let us know what you’re thinking.
Feel free to join us any Sunday morning at 10:00 am (or at any of our upcoming events!)
Our church is located at 1514 Birmley Road, in Traverse City, MI. Check out the map below or click here for customized directions)
We understand that the unknown is often uncomfortable. First off, please know that we do our best to make everything visitor friendly and inviting. To help you gain a degree of comfort before visiting, you may want to take a look at this description of what to expect.