Why A Recommendations Page?
We recognize that our spiritual investment in your life will never be enough! God is too big, the Bible to complex, life too diverse. For that reason, we have recommendations for books, podcasts, and music that we pray will be helpful to your discipleship process.
Recommended books
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
The Reason For God and Making Sense Of God, both by Timothy Keller
Cold Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace
How Now Shall We Live, by Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey
The Case For The Resurrection, by Gary Habermas
Bible Study
The Jesus I Never Knew and The Bible Jesus Read, both by Phillip Yancey
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, by Kenneth Bailey
Paul Among The People, by Sarah Rudan
The Lost World Of Genesis One and Ancient Near Eastern Thought, by John Walton
Is God A Moral Monster, by Paul Copan
Tim Keller’s book series, “X” For You (for example, Galatians For You)
Adam Clarke’s Commentaries
Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes, by E. Randolph Roberts and Brandon O’Brien
Insights into Bible Times and Customs, by G Christian Weiss, published by Moody Press.
Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus, by David Bivin and Roy Blizzard.
Hard Saying of the Old Testament, by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Insight into the historical, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of troublesome passages in the Old Testament.
Hard Sayings of Paul, by Manfred T. Brauch. This book takes forty-eight different teachings of Paul, and provides background and context.
Unbelievable, with Justin Brierley
The Bible Project
Quick To Listen (Christianity Today’s podcast)